Killer Love

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The sound of breaking glass arose you from your sleep. Your parents were out for the evening, so it wasn't them.

You grabbed a bat from your closet. Your parents bought it for you after the first Ghostface attack so you could defend yourself. Your friend, Amber, was the first victim.

You put your socks on to muffle your footsteps. You crept down the stairs, the bat clenched in your hands ready to swing.

You got down to the living room, seeing a light shining in the kitchen. You looked in the kitchen to see nothing but an open window with broken glass beneath it.

You heard the sound of a step behind you. You turned and swung to see a figure in black robes with a ghost mask. Ghostface was in your house!

The figure ducked and grabbed the bat. You swung and punched Ghostface in the mask, causing it to dangle a little. If it was made of plastic, it would hurt your attacker's face. Maybe you could get away and call the cops.

Ghostface stumbled back, swearing. "Fu--!" You paused. You recognized that voice. "Tara!?" Ghostface froze, staring at you.

Their hands reached up and removed the mask. She pulled the mask and hood off, revealing Tara with wild, messy hair. If you weren't so concerned for your life, you'd find it hot.

Why was your crush Ghostface!? "Tara, you're the one who murdered Amber?! Why!?" You stumbled into the living room, falling onto the couch. She took a step forward, then another, then another.

Your mind started to go to dark places. Was Tara going to kill you now? What about your parents?

Tara climbed onto you and straddled your lap. She had to look up at you just to see your eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes had a dangerous edge to them.

She hugged you. "I did it because she was taking you away from me." You knew Amber had feelings for you, but planning what?

"What was she planning?" Maybe Tara had a good reason. Maybe her talking could stall for time.

"I was in her house and saw she was going to drug you. Whether you had feelings for her or not, I would not allow her to do that!" Tara's eyes took on a more wild look at the thought of what Amber could have done to you.

"Wait, you think I had feelings for Amber? I have feelings for you." Tara reared back a little in shock. She always wanted you to have feelings for her, but to actually hear it took her by surprise.

She ran her hand along the edge of your chin before pulling you in for a kiss."Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just going to keep you safe from those who want to take you from me."

"Fine, but no more killing, okay. I can't exactly spend time with my girlfriend if she's in prison." Tara's eyes softened at the word "girlfriend".

She smiled, "Deal. But, I will deal with people who try and harm you." You lifted her body, taking her upstairs.

"Well, I guess my Ghostface angel deserves a reward. Besides, I've got time before my parents come home." You started pealing Tara's black clothing from her body.

"Hmm, I definitely do." Tara smirked, she finally had you wrapped around her finger. As you had hear wrapped around yours.

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