Multiverse of Jenna

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Request from my Tumblr: Could you do one where Jenna Ortega is getting a movie ready while the reader is making popcorn? Suddenly, all her characters appear confused

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Request from my Tumblr: Could you do one where Jenna Ortega is getting a movie ready while the reader is making popcorn? Suddenly, all her characters appear confused. They start talking about how different they are when the reader enters the room, sees multiple versions of Jenna, and says something like, "Did I die and go to heaven?"

"Is the popcorn ready?," Jenna asked. The two of you were about to watch Talk To Me. But, you couldn't without popcorn.

"It's almost done. Do you want butter or salt on yours?"

"Just butter is fine thanks." Jenna selected the movie on the selection menu. Before she could press play, she was blinded by t
a flash of light.

When the light cleared, Jenna opened her eyes to an insane sight. The characters she played were lying on the floor of their living room, dazed and confused.

Wednesday backed herself into a corner and drew a knife from her sleeve. "Who are you and why do you look like me?"

Vada stared around at everyone, her eyes wide. "Did I take something? Cause I didn't know the effects would make me see myself."

Jenna stood up and ordered, "Quiet." All her doppelgangers stopped talking and turned to her.

"Ok. I'm Jenna and, there's no easy way to say this but, I am an actress and you all are all the characters I play." The doppelgangers stared at her in shock.

"No! This has to be a dream!," Harley exclaimed.

Jenna turned to her. "No, Harley this is as real as those late nights you spend when your family is asleep."

Harley gaped. "How do you know about that?"

"I know because I've played all of you as characters.," Jenna stated.

You walked back in the living room, popcorn ready. "Hey babe,the popcorn is rea-" You stopped when you saw Jenna in the living room surrounded by her characters.

"Did I die and go to heaven?," you asked out loud.

"Nope, this is real life." Jenna answered, unsure of what to do.

Jenna Ortega x Male Reader GIF ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now