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Later on that day, Regan was wandering aimlessly around, thinking of what she was going to do tomorrow. She couldn't back down, couldn't surrender. If she'd do that, he'd mock her for her whole life, she knew. But the more she thought about it, the more panicked she was.

She had asked a servant about where the courtyard was. The servant led her there. The courtyard was much far away from the castle. It was a large, open space, surrounded by perimeter walls. They had an arched layer and were made of stone, with towers at each corner.

The courtyard had four tall monoliths at each cardinal direction, each one carved in different creatures: an eagle, a griffin, a serpent, and a dragon. The pavement was made of stone and other than that, there was nothing else.

And it was scary how she was going to fight him there, since except for the monoliths, there weren't other places to hide. Yes, she could hide behind the castle's walls, but she'd look like a coward. The fight was supposed to be brave and honorable.

However, as she walked in the courtyard, she couldn't shake the thoughts about him.

Maybe he was right. Maybe she did have feelings for him. It was bad, terrible even. But it was there. She couldn't deny it. She hated him, she wanted to hurt him, but at the same time... She didn't know. It was all so confusing.

And the worst, how could she have this fight when all she could think about was how he caressed her face that morning, how he was so gentle with her? She told her mother about all this because she couldn't keep it to herself, she needed someone to understand.

Her mother was against that duel thing. She was worried and all, but Regan couldn't back down now. If she did that, he'd haunt her for the rest of her life. It was better to get this over with, she thought. But what if she lost? He'd keep saying that she had feelings for him and that she should be with him. She couldn't let that happen. She'd find a way to beat him, to make sure he'd never say that again.

She turned back to her chamber, her mother was there, waiting for her.

"Sweetie, you don't have to do this. I think it's stupid. It doesn't make any sense. What feelings do you talk about? I understand you're upset, but it's not worth it. Please, don't do this." Her mother's voice was pleading, but Regan couldn't help and feel a little annoyed.

"Mom, I didn't say I have feelings for him. He's our enemy after all. I'm not a fool, I know that. But I have to do this, for our honor. Maybe if I defeat him.... We'll finally be free."

Octavia shook her head, "But he would never accept defeat. He'd never let you win. And would you ever kill him?"

Regan went silent. No, she couldn't kill him. She didn't want that. But maybe, she could put him in prison. Maybe, there was a way to get rid of him without killing him.

"Mom, I don't know. I just have to find a way to beat him. I can't lose. I can't let him win." She didn't want to lose her mother and her pride, "Because if I surrender or lose, he's going to gloat and say that I have feelings for him and that I should be with him. I can't let that happen."

Her mother sighed and held her hand, "Then you must do whatever it takes, but be careful, my love. Please." Octavia leaned forward and kissed Regan's forehead, "He might be lying to you. What if he won't fight alone? What if he brings others with him?"

Regan frowned. "I've thought about that. I'll just have to be ready for anything, I guess." She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "I'll find a way to win. Even if he cheats, I'll find a way to beat him." Her mother nodded, a worried look on her face.

Octavia stood up from the bed and took a dagger hidden in a closet. The dagger was sharp and cold as ice. "Just in case," she whispered. She handed the dagger to Regan, who took it with a shaky hand.

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