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My first instinct was to hug her. Or something. I wished I could just sit down with her and have a cup of coffee and talk and make sure everything was okay and of course why she isn't dead. But I pushed it aside. Only because she was holding a gun in front of my face.

Casey's eyes widened as if she knew what I was thinking.

I slowly grabbed the piece of shiny broken glass from a mirror and held it in my hands behind my back. Listening quietly. We all just seemed to have some kind of awkward silence.

I looked up at Carson once Mia lowered her gun. I felt like he was going to say something. Only because he inhaled then paused on what he was going to say. But he did say something after looking at his phone.

"dammit. Stay here. Like you have any other choice" Carson smirked walking into an office across the hall with Mia.

I watched them leave and immediately took action. I scooted over to Casey and took my hands out from behind my back.

"How'd you get untied?" She asked letting me cut her loose.

"You wanna ask questions or you wanna get out of here Hollywood?" I answered grabbing the zip ties from her untied wrists and threw them across the room. "Stay put like you were and wait until I get up, Case. I want you to grab two guns. It doesn't matter which ones but grab them and run. I'm counting on you for that okay?"

"Do you have a plan?" She asked hope shimmered in her eyes. It seemed like a stupid question because she knew her role in it.

I shook my head slightly and kinda chuckled. "Well I sorta have some kind of plan"

"You don't have a plan do you" she asked raising her eyebrows.

I bit my lip "yes I have a plan!!" I explained trying to keep my cool.

"You don't have a plan right? You always bite your lip like that when you like" she said trying to comfort me slightly, along with rubbing away the rope burn from her untied wrists.

"No I do not" I sighed heavily.

I immediately threw myself back over into my spot once the door handle jiggled.

I looked up at Carson hoping he had a change of heart and would let us go. I think I actually smiled a little.

"Okay. Shoot 'em" he insisted talking to Mia who had loaded her pistol and aimed at Casey. She squeezed her eyes shut waiting for the blast. Until I cut in.

"Whoa. Wait a minute. This seems really cowardly to make her do your dirty work" I coughed with all the nasty ass dust in the air.

Mia instantly turned her loaded gun to me and just almost hit my nose with it.
She was almost standing over me. It was bad.

I was trying so hard to get the gun out of my face without using my hands. I tried to scoot back and all I did was hit my head on the wall. That and basically get Mia off of me.

So basically i was trying not to look down the barrel of the pistol and get it out of my face. It didn't work very well. If I can point that out.

Casey stared at me watching the fire in my eyes as I started to argue with Carson.

"Damn. Your right, I'm no coward" he said taking a rifle off the rack of guns he had on the wall. He aimed above my nose, where the bridge and my forehead met and between my eyes. Cocked the gun, and well pulled the trigger...

"Gee thanks. Is that the only reason you got off your ass and did something? Because I called you the coward that you are?" I asked pulled my untied hands in front of me and grabbed the rifle from him jamming him in the stomach with it.

Within 60 seconds (f&f fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now