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We'll get you home. Rosa's words kept playing back in my head like a broken record but it was a good kind of thought. It was good that I was finally going home.

"Thank you guys for everything. I am very grateful for all of this that you've done for me" I smiled standing before Vince's family.

"If you need us. Call us, don't worry about the time or place" Rosa smiled hugging me

"I love you guys" I nodded and hugged Vince and then Nico. I started walking to the jet and go on.

We took off.

Plugged ears now. But lots of room with free food. I don't deserve this. My lovely childhood friends are friggin' loaded! Their house was huge! I didn't say anything before because I was staying with them but now I'm on a private jet watching Television on a 90' flat screen and drinking a strawberry smoothie.

"Here you are" a smiling young woman handed me my small carry on.

"Thanks" I mumbled and grabbed the red bag and continued walking.

I caught a cab and sat silently in the back alone watching the lights blur together as they rushed past and my pay travel up the Cash Ladder highlighted in green on the center council.

Home. The old house stood its place and the shop was literally right next to it.

The cab ride took forever! Dropping me off at home so late I got off the plane at nine then again we do live far from the airport.

I was exhausted from traveling!

I walked over to the shop and turned the golden door handle letting myself in. To my surprise Bryan was fast asleep laying on my car holding loosely his phone on his stomach.

I smiled and slowly casually walked my way over to him I dropped my bag full of the clothes that Rosa bought me on the brown stool in front of the tool bench.

"Bryan, it's 11:30 maybe we should go up to bed" I whispered rubbing his arm softly

He hummed a cute okay and sleepily grabbed my hand loosely waiting for my assistance of helping him up.

I shook his hand lightly and pulled him up.

We went inside and up to the room that we shared. He slid into bed like a child after a long day of play covering himself sloppily with the blankets.

I pulled off my pink blouse and dark blue jeans and put a blue Cedar Rapids shirt on. I smiled looking at Bryan who had looked like he had already fallen asleep but I was wrong.

He pulled me onto him making me sit on his stomach laying my head on his chest. I tucked my bangs out of my eyes behind my ear and looked up into his foggy sleep deprived shiny blue eyes.

"I missed you" he whispered hugging me tightly my head on his chest.

I smiled blushing he was still slightly asleep and it was adorable when he was like this all he wanted to do was snuggle. I loved him like this. It's just so cute!

"I missed you too" I whispered kissing his cheek. I was holding his warm hand loosely.

I was happy to be home it was a good feeling. I loved having Bryan back by my side I felt so crappy through out the time I was gone.

Now we sleep, and dream together as we did what felt so long ago.

I was finally home.

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