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That is so gross.

I slowly watched Bryan pull thread through my skin and stitch up my hip of where I was shot. Dried blood covered me around the wound. Even after Bryan had stitched me up.

I'm surprised I didn't faint. I usually can't do needles.

That was about an hour ago though. So, right now I was sitting on the couch with a blanket and a water watching my favorite tv show Castle. I sipped on my water staring at the flatscreen.

I heard the white screen door smack the wood as someone came in. It was Bryan, he walked into the family room and sat in front of me on the glass coffee table. My eyebrows immediately raised as he kissed my lips softly. I loved when he kissed me randomly like that.

"Have you figured out what to do with Mia yet? Is she awake?" I asked shifted uncomfortably on the sinkable dark brown couch.

He nodded slowly putting at hand on my thigh. "How do we even know this is Mia?"

My eyes widened. Okay, maybe I hadn't thought about that. I haven't honestly. I think I have a little more on my plate right now than Dom. Thank god he was out with Letty because I think he would have just killed me between the lecture and yelling at me. I really wasn't in the mood for that.

Come on shay. I trust you to go places. But I expect you to tell me the truth of where your going. Then in top  if it, you lied and went racing!? You went behind my back with that and now I find out you get shot and then went to jail last night too?! And who the hell is that? Don't tell me that's Mia because Mia's dead! You know what I did. You know I can't forgive myself for what I did let alone the little mistakes that you've done. I'll never be able to get over it, even if that really is her and she is alive and never lied. That's exactly how it will go. Then I'll try and argue with him through the whole thing, then he'll just get even more pissed with me, I'll punch him in the face and then leave the room not talking to anyone for the next three days then he'll finally apologize because he's a sucker like that and things will be good. For the most part. Then something will happen exactly like this again and we'll argue and fight exactly like this and the time before. I just know exactly how it will play out. And frankly I think it's kinda sad that I know his bad side. It's bad, just saying. Like I almost died when we were little because we were arguing over the last piece of strawberry cheese cake mom always used to make. Idk I guess I'm just kinda used to it, and know what to expect.

"I know this is Mia, Bryan. I know for a fact that it's her. Just The way she fought with me. Mia can't fight" I explained getting up. I limped to the window and stared out the window watching Casey and Rome take care of Mia for the time being that Bryan was in the house.

Just the way she fought with me. Mia can't fight for shit. She's Hollywood herself like Casey just grew up with us. Her fighting style was sloppy when she fought me. The way she balled her hands into fists, the stance she had when she stepped into her punch. The way she contacted her hits. Every time, in the same spot. Every time. Okay I have to give her that though, because Dom showed me know to fight and he's a guy. So maybe I have a guys fighting style. But then again I'm not completely sure if the girls and guys differ. But shit, as far as i know and can remember Mia was a shitty fighter, while I was fighting Dom for yummy desserts and wrestling him in the family room when we were ten, she was dancing to be a ballerina or singing to Hannah Montana and the Jonas brothers. I'm just saying she's a wuss.

"Shay. I got it handled don't worry" Bryan smiled pulling me into him. His kissed my lips slightly and took my hand. "If you don't trust me, come with me"

"I trust you o'Connor. I just don't trust the Mia out there" I grabbed his face making him look at me.

He picked me up like a princess, where his arms were under my legs and back. And my arms were around his neck.

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