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"Hello?" Bryan's sleepy voice echoed in my ears once he picked up the phone

I think I just melted hearing his voice for the first time since I left.

"Are you okay? Shay where are you?" He asked

I felt tears push against my eyes and they were starting to fall slowly. I held the phone loosely to my ear wiping the wetness from my eyes away with Bryan's sweatshirt. Ironically it smelt like him and a little bit of car exhaust from working in it.

I swallowed hard trying to find my words again. I was kinda in that same situation like I was breaking the news about Mia. But I still managed to find them. Luckily.

"Bryan. I'm okay, I promise. I'm at Vince's I'm in rio, he's a childhood friend so you don't know him." I sighed trying to hide that I was overly homesick and missing him like crazy even though I've been gone for only 2 days now.

"Shay are you sure? You sound scared. I can come and get you" Bryan insisted. I heard shuffling sounds so I assume that he was walking out the door with nothing stopping him.

"I am scared but Im okay right now you don't need to come and get me. I promise I'm okay" I said shooting him down I held my knees to my chest finding that my only comfort right now. "I'm okay O'Connor"

I knew he nodded because he didn't answer. I knew he was agreeing with me. I just don't understand why he and com haven't went out in a search for me. But who am I kidding its Dom and Bryan I have a feeling they'd fight the whole entire time trying to find me. I mean those two sitting next each other in the front seat of a small car. Ya, sorry I don't see it happening.

"I miss you" I whispered propping up my head with my hand laying on my side, my back to the door.

"I miss you too. I want you beside me again" he answered continuing the conversation "Shay, I don't know what to do with myself right now, I've been sitting in your car for hours alone. Han actually had to pull me out, I don't even know why I turned into this. I don't feel like myself without you"

"Bryan. I miss you, I haven't been sleeping. On top of the insomnia that I have, it just feels weird without you. I need to come home. I'll be home tomorrow whatever it takes" I mumbled pulling the blankets over my thin body. I sighed obnoxiously my lips making a slight raspberry.

"I'll let you get some sleep. I love you shay" he mumbled waiting for me to answer

"Goodnight" I whispered and waited for him to hang up the phone which wasn't long after.

I laid awake staring at the black ceiling with basically no emotion. I couldn't sleep, couldn't close my eyes and dream like I could easily before. I don't know. I sat up allowing my bare feet to dangle just above the hard wood floor. I put my head in my cold sweaty hands and watched the time go by unable to even think about sleep. The thought didn't even cross my mind. I just wanted to go home. I kept thinking about Bryan and Dom. I missed them like crazy. I just need to leave.

Next thing I knew it was 9:00am and light was peeking through the brown drape curtains. The smell of hot freshly brewed coffee filled the air and soft buzzing from the air-conditioning echoed throughout the house.

I slid off the bed and zipped my sweatshirt. I walked to the shiny wood door and put my hand on the cold handle turning it of course.

I walked down the stairs and slowly made it to the kitchen where Rosa and Vince were chatting and Nico was still asleep I'm sure.

"Morning Shay. Coffee?" Rosa asked handing me a mug without waiting for me to reply.

"Thanks" I nodded and took the mug leaning over counter.

"Did you stay up all night? Hun you look terrible" rosa looked into my overly tired droopy eyes.

I nodded slowly yawning cupping my mouth holding it back to not be rude.

"Shay. Are you really that homesick?" She asked cupping my face with her hands she pulled me to the couch and sat me down softly.

I nodded slowly. I was honestly homesick, I'm not going to lie. But it was my insomnia or sleeplessness that I am suffering from. That's what my mom died from when I was 12, awhile ago but it still feels like yesterday. Anyway I couldn't sleep for the life of me last night. It really sucks! But I didn't

Vince was reading the Sunday paper and drinking his coffee looking like an old man slumped over the table focused on the words.

"I know it's still kinda early but I really need to go home. I miss everyone back home and I just need to go. I'm very thankful for all your help don't get me wrong" I spoke up holding the mug with both hands warming them.

Rosa nodded "well, we're not going to force you to stay. Vince can drive you home or we could fly you back whatever works for you"

"If it's not to much trouble I'd like to fly" I smiled slightly it would be faster and I wouldn't have to deal with the pushing questions from Vince of how and why Mia died and why Dom didn't call them when she did.

Rosa simply nodded kissing my forehead "we'll get you home"

I smiled

She always seemed like a mother to me. I know she isn't that much older than me but I think that's why we're so close. She just always knew how to take care of me and knew what to do when I needed someone to cry on.

"Thank you" I whispered sipping my coffee again

Thank you Rosa

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