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"Will you marry me Shaylyn Marie Toretto?" Bryan asked looking up at me holding the little silver box at me.

Immediately my hands covered my mouth. I was so shocked, he was actually asking me to marry him! I almost started crying once he hit the ground on one knee.

"You lied to me about the ring" I laughed moving my hands from my mouth from shock.

"Yeah I did. but, I didn't want to spoil the ask" he mumbled smiling slightly with the side of his mouth slyly

"But I will marry you if you want O'connor" I laughed holding out my hand waiting for him to slide the ring onto my finger.

His face lit up standing up almost immediately after I agreed. He carefully slipped the silver ring onto my finger and kissing me passionately holding my waist close. i was still sitting blushing so unbelievably hard. i cant believe he asked me!

He took my hand after paying the check of our finished meals and lead me out to the car to head home. Bryan got in the drivers seat and i sat next to him and watched him drive. I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with the best person in the world. I know i keep saying it but I just can't get over the fact that he actually asked me, I mean it's me and just like Casey said my stubborn ass? Please. That''s just funny I think.

Casey texted me on the way home asking me about the all about my dress and what had all happened it read:
Casey: Hey girl hows the date go? Does Bryan like your dress and did you have fun??
I replied...
Me: Well, it definitely was exciting. lol he loved the dress and was head over heels for the way I looked. Good conversation and He looked really snazzy too haha.

"who's that babe?" Bryan asked looking over at me slightly. I was holding his hand as he drove.

"Just Casey asking if we had fun" I smiled looking at my ring it sparkled in the streetlights of the dark road in Bryan's hand "And we did" I winked swiping a kiss from him quickly when he kept his eyes on the road.

He smiled and reached over to me carefully unbuckling my seatbelt. He had that crazy look in his eye, he cocked a smile and pulled me onto his lap.

I carefully climbed over the center council and sat myself on his lap my legs laid over the center council as I looked at him trusting his driving skills on the road busy with people and shitty cars. He immediately kissed me, first softly biting my soft pink lips. I smiled once he pressed on the gas harder and harder enjoying all of this.

"I think. That. This is got to be the most illegal thing I've ever done" I smiled in between kisses

Bryan smiled laughing keeping both his lips on me and his eyes on the road.

I glanced at the speedometer reading 95mph. Damn I'm hoping that Bryan can handle this. I could if I wasn't kissing someone...

Next thing I knew, a horn blared out and thats when it all happened. Everything flew into the air and we were weightless feeling like we were in zero gravity. I screamed as glass punctured my skin and watched as the passenger seat was crushed inwards. What was happening? It was all in slow motion, literally just a minute ago I was innocently kissing Bryan and now I have to be rushed to the hospital. Oh, and I guess that's another thing... I hate hospitals, they freak me out, they're disgusting! Bryan looked like hell, bloody and glass covered... What really got me was the fact that the last thing he said to me was not to let him go... And me on the other hand, I was fine. I healed almost immediately after the accident due to my super powers I have yet to control. I waited in the car blood covered holding Bryan's hand as tight as I could waiting f0r someone to call 911. A women in a blue mini van did, shielding her kids from the views of the graphic scene, and of course we were rushed to the hospital.. But, the only thing with me though is that what are they going to say when I walk in there? Oh yeah well I magically healed on the way here? I'll blow my secret if I try explaining any of this shit... Bryan needed this help bad. He was blood covered, cut and bruised, beat up from the air bag (although I took most of that beating, shielding him from it) he's only human and obviously in a lot of pain. And that is all I remember...

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