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Vince offered me a water and grabbed himself one from the mini mini fridge that was at his feet hidden under the seat.

"Thanks" I smiled taking the bottled water.

I went back to starring out the window watching the scenery rush by and listened the huge raindrops pound on the car.

It was 8:42pm and I had been in the car for three and a half hours. Are we there yet? The car pulled onto the wet newly paved road and was parked in the street.

Vince got out and offered me his hand for assistance. Taking it, once again I smiled.

I shut the door and looked around stopping me right there.

"Vince. You said you were taking me home!" I yelled spinning around quickly.

He sighed and suddenly straightened back up clearing his throat.

"Shay?" A pretty woman not much older than me asked

she was wearing a pink sundress with ruffles and her dark curly hair was tied back out of her eyes.

"Rosa?" I smiled it was all coming back to me.

I knew this family. I loved rosa! If it weren't for Mia I wouldn't have met her and became such great friends with her.

"Well come on. It's nasty out here" she insisted taking my hand and her husband's pulling us inside. "The guest room is upstairs and I took the liberty of getting you some clothes"

"Oh. Honey you didn't need to do that. I'm more than fine with what I have" I smiled and looked at my phone

Ringing sirens sounded echoing across the small town and I looked at the small family who were watching the news on the small flat screen tv both leaning over the counter.

I took a seat at their "bar" and answered a Twitter question about my life for a teenage boy- must be a fan because I didn't know him.

"Oh, your not leaving this house and getting swept away with this wind and rain" Rosa looked at me and handed me a hot chocolate topped with a handful of mini marshmallows. "Nico! Come and meet someone!"

"I can have Bryan come pick me up" I insisted sipping the hot liquid

Vince shook his head, he pointed at the tv screen mesmerized in the road flood pictures.

"Anyway, how have you been?" Rosa asked walking to the table "Dom too, how is he?"

I followed at sat down next to her.

"I've been good. Was shot last week running from the cops. Again. Busy busy-" I paused laughing a little "Working on cars and fighting with Dom about me attending the races. But he's always been like that. Then trying to keep everything tied together. I think their falling apart right now without me"

She nodded listening.

We were suddenly interrupted by a little boy with dark hair like his father and brown eyes like his mother. He was about five and was shy with new people. Like most kids are.

"You must be Nico" I smiled looking at the small boy who was trying to hide behind Rosa's arm

He smiled and peeked out from behind her and grabbed my hand to shake it.

"Hi Ms. Toretto it's nice to meet you" he smiled and looked at his mom

I smiled "it's nice to meet you too"

"Can I go watch tv now?" He asked

Vince and rosa nodded and he was off leaving me and his parents to talk.

"How's Mia?" Vince jumped in clearly they haven't heard about her

I took me a minute to answer. To try to find the right words. To explain what happened. How, When, but I still managed to say something.

"Mia died 5 years ago. We were on a heist and she was shot" I explained cutting it short.

Rosa's jaw dropped. She just had her heart ripped out. It looked as if she lost everything in those few words I said. She was speechless.

Vince seemed like he was angry about a couple different things.

1: Dom and I not telling him
2: that she died in the first place.

But in a way he kept his emotions hidden just like Dom had.

To be honest I thought they knew. I honestly did. I thought that Dom called and broke the news and told them and now I'm getting pestered for it. Okay, so I'm not blaming him I just think that it's a little sad that he couldn't call his best friend and explain what happened.

"Well, I'm going to go up to bed. You said the guest bedroom is the first room on the right?" I asked standing up from the table "Sorry I dumped this on you. I didn't want you to be left out"

Rosa simply nodded and walked me upstairs she showed me to "my" room and shut the door giving me privacy.

I groaned and laid down on the bed I looked at my buzzing phone that vibrated the bed under it.

It was Bryan. Again.

Maybe I should answer him. And tell him I'm alright.

I just don't want him to freak out like he used to and go save the world. He shouldn't need to worry.

I sat up leaned my head on the wall with a pillow just below my shoulders. I typed in his name and put the phone to my ear.

I've told him and Dom both before that I'm fine and that they don't need to over protect me. Dom makes it sound like I'm the only girl in his life, I mean I am his "little sister" but I know how to take care of myself. And Bryan I think he's about lost without me so I can't really blame him for being afraid for me right now. And it doesn't really surprise me how many missed notifications I have received knowing that it's kinda my fault for not replying to any right away.

I'm okay now though.

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