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"Bryan. Babe, come on honey we're home" I whispered rubbing his arm softly.

I grabbed the crutches was in the trunk and tried waking him up again. "Babe. Come on, you can sleep once we get into the house" I insisted leaning over him to unbuckle him. honestly I felt like a mom at this point because I was unbuckling him and slaving over him because he is not in the best condition...

He nodded slowly and handing me his phone and wallet before he got out. walking to the house was a bit of a struggle only because it was raining. Shockingly, he's been through something like this before. I'm just shocked that the doctor didn't come in a talk with us, or at least me.

"hey everyone" I smiled opening the door letting Bryan come in first holding the door of him.

"Damn Bry. Shay, what did you beat him up or something?" of course that's the first thing Rome says when we walk in.

"No, she didn't beat me up. Rome, it was a car accident" Bryan chuckled leaning on the counter. gosh even in that state that boy looks so good! Maybe its just the black shirt. I'll admit it, I love him in that shirt and he knows it..

"Oh my god! Shay what the hell happened to you? Are you okay?" Casey ran to me grabbing my face in a way a mother would to her child that fell off her bike and split her chin. Me, on the other hand I slit my forehead along my eyebrow. Although it didn't hurt me at all, I was bleeding heavy still surprisingly.

"It was a car accident.. I'm fine though" I mumbled brushing her hands off of my face

"Really? Your fine? You don't know that your bleeding?" casey raised her eyebrows swiping the blood from my brow.

"No, I did. They were more into making Bryan better than stitching up a small cut on me" I said pushing it off "Im fine it's not that big of a deal"

"You actually should have died on impact" A young man mid twenties maybe juat turned twenty at the most.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" I asked standing up facing the man. he wore a red T-shirt and dark blue jeans with red converse tennis shoes. his dark brown hair was spiked and fluffy nicely, in a messy way that was trending for most guys. "Talk to me Hail"

"Only because your supposed to be dead and I wanted to help your brother with the pain of losing you" he said holding a backpack on one of his shoulders

"Well, Im fine. So you can leave" I said pushing him back towards the door.

"Might want to tell them the truth Shay, how did you walk away from that accident?" He smirked before leaving.

"Shay who the hell is that?" Bryan asked looking at me

"Umm, well thats another situation that we can talk about later" I mumbled blowing it off.

He simply nodded and sighed. Listening to and watching me carefully prepare to shift as they called it.

Everyone stood around the island. Letty, Dom, Rome, Casey, Mia and Bryan. they all waited for me to react expecting basically anything. They are all expecting so much out of me, what are they going to say when i show them? I have so much control to well control it all to where a 'beta' can barley control their own heart beat. I guess if I don't want to break hell loose I have to tell them.

"Here goes nothing" I mumbled sucking in a breath. Of course Bryan already know but he was sitting on a barstool. That boy isn't going anywhere. And also, Mia knows about my secret too so I guess I shouldn't necessarily call my secret a secret. I sucked in a deep breath and closed my eyes. adrenaline flooded through my veins taking over every inch of my blood, I slowly opened my teal eyes and they glowed bright as I stared at my family.

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