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July 10th, a month later:

"Shay you have to help me pick something out!" Casey insisted raiding my closet somewhat empty of clothes. She pulled out a flowing blue tank top holding the black hanger and a pair of black skin tight high waisted pants.

"Sure. But these are my clothes" I smiled folding my arms looking at her.

"Good this will work then" she smiled already pulling the clothes over her head.

"Once again, it's also mine" I cocked my head slightly smiling. "You gotta help me though, I'm supposed to pack up my crap by tonight. Bryan and I are leaving tomorrow"

"Why are you moving out, again?" She asked handing me a pile of multiple pairs of different blue jeans.

"Because, Bryan and I think we should get our own place. I never saw myself living with Dom forever. I mean I'm pretty sure Letty is about done with my stubborn ass and wants Dom to herself now" I explained putting my clothes into a box.

She nodded slightly and smiled. "Yeah. Do you think Rome will like this?" She spun around carefully showing 360 degrees of her outfit.

"You look amazing. Rome will fall head over heels for you" I insisted handing her a lip gloss. "Wear my anklet boots. It'll make your booty look good" I winked laughing

She nodded putting my bathroom essentials into yet another box. "True true. But you need them a little more than I do. What happens when Bryan wants to take you out tonight?"

"My stubborn ass? I don't know, he might just want to stay in. I think my bar nights are over" I laughed waving around my bubble curling iron.

"Nah, mamma you still got it going... Everyone wants you, your a hot one" Casey smiled waving her hand slightly complimenting me on top of joking completely with the fact of being my best friend.

"When did you start getting it on with the Party down south boys?" I joked raising one of my eyebrows. Since when did she call me mamma?

"A while ago, when I was in Virginia for a photo shoot" she explained brushing it off slightly.

I nodded slightly somewhat impressed.

Someone knocked on the door and let themselves in. Of course that being Mia and Letty.

"Look at this room! It's so empty. I remember when you and I fought over it for the bigger bed" Mia laughed. Obviously she was starting to get her memory back. She was wearing a hot pink sundress and a pair of white heeled wedges. She bent down and handed me a carefully set up pile of picture frames and sets of pictures of all those good times.

I snorted. "Yea I remember that too! We always seemed to share the bed anyway because we were both afraid of sleeping alone" I took the items and put them in the last box.

She laughed slightly and looked at Letty kind of making her sit down next to her completing our circle around the boxes on the floor.

"Hey Letts, what are you going to do when you have the house and Dom all to yourself?" I laughed crossing my legs sitting up on the floor duct taping the box labeling it photos.

She blushed smiling turning red almost immediately. "I don't know. It'll definitely be quieter without my lovely sister-in-law being around" she joked. Meaning it in the nicest way possible. I mean she's probably done with all of this shit and wants a quiet life for once, but with us? That will never happen.

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