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"I should have killed your little bitch ass when I had the chance" the Mia fake smirked she must have found herself another leather jacket because the one she is wearing is black and slick.

"Yeah. Well obviously the feeling is mutual about you" I spat yanking my arm out of the body guard's grasp.

"Miranda don't stoop to that level. No need to tell her all about the happenings in the near future, you'll have your chance" Carson smiled looking at me. He tossed me a water bottle and insisted that I drink it because that's the only thing I'd be getting. Maybe he does have a heart.

Miranda? Well of course. I knew it!! I can't believe that little bitch let me believe that she was a fake, a clone to be exact.

She nodded slowly smiling and looked at me she tossed her hair and walked into the office with Carson.

"I knew it! Your such a fucking liar" Mia whispered angrily staring at me from the other side of the room. It's a pretty small classroom.

"Mia can you please just hear me out?" I mumbled trying to get my point across or at least get her to listen to me. I tried collecting my words and trying to figure out the right thing to say. "I'm sorry. This is a big surprise to me too. But I'm not who you think I am" is all I managed to say but I went on:

"Look, I'm sorry I knew it was my fault for the accident. I thought you died. I remember being soaked in blood and tears trying to wake you up. But you wouldn't. They rushed you to the hospital but you were pronounced dead on the ride there... I know you don't want to hear this, but it's the best way to get across to you. I cried for days, that's what you don't understand. You honestly think I'm the one that killed you? An accident is called an accident for a reason. They lied to you Mia. I know they brain washed you and I'm sure your so overly confused but I'm telling you the truth" I said trying to wipe the dried blood from my nose.

"Okay, but that doesn't change anything. They probably told you to say all of that" she sighed trying to warm herself with her oversized sweatshirt sleeves rubbing her arms for warmth.

I blowed warm air through my lips trying to explain myself a little more. Once again trying to come up with the right words. But I only came up with trying to tell her stuff I knew to win her over. "Okay, if I was with them would I know that you have really strong feelings for Bryan but never told me because you thought I would hurt you?" I paused waiting for her response.

She didn't say anything, at first.

I interrupted her and went on "or when we were little that you would only sleep with the stuffed animal dog that you still have I might add from aunt Kathy? Or, that you curl you hair differently than I do because you have to have it perfect. And the fact that you have a tattoo on your shoulder of a butterfly but never told anyone because you were afraid of what we would think"

"How do you know all that?" She asked raising one of her eyebrows

"Because I'm me. I'm your cousin Shay, Mia. I promise you I am telling the truth. It's me, and those guys in there? They're going to kill you if we don't get out of here" I said flicking out my claws cutting the ropes with my sharp nails.

"How can you do that? That's more than supernatural" she said holding out her hands for me to untie her.

"you can put those claws away sweetheart, we both know your little werewolf secret" Miranda smiled walking out of the office. Thank god Carson went to get extra supplies for the plan, because I can't kill the guy only because he won't stay fucking dead and Miranda is a basset case.

Mia raised her eyebrows. Whoa werewolf? What?!

I smiled pulling up my sleeves slightly and told Mia to get behind me once she stood up.

I heard a gun shot and looked towards the door. Mimicking Miranda looking out to find the sound. I smiled. I'm hoping that's for me.

Bryan stood in the doorway and pulled the trigger on his pistol. Aiming it at Miranda.

"Shay. Your a werewolf?" Bryan asked looking into my eyes after I dropped Miranda to the ground from behind in my arms. Blood yet again stained my clothes and covered my hands as I stared at Bryan.

"Did you kill Carson? And since when did you use a gun? Aren't you against that now since your not a cop anymore?" I asked trying to pick a fight changing the subject.

"No, I was never against it. I just chose not to use one. And I did kill Carson" he smiled trying to hug me tight. "Answer my question"

"Wait! wait! I'm going to hurt you. Don't touch me" I insisted finally understanding what is going on. I have claws. I can actually hurt someone with this shit.

"Look! Look! Shay! There gone, nothing to worry about" he insisted taking my hands.

"How can you say that? You just found out your girlfriend is a werewolf. Something that can could kill you in your sleep" I insisted trying to push him away that way I wouldn't hurt him.

"Because I know you wouldn't. Even if you tried" he mumbled kissing me.

I smiled slightly. Thank god! I can't believe he's okay with this. Because if I were him I'd run like hell, I've actually already tried but it's stuck with me.

"Is Dom here?" I asked bowing my head almost afraid of what I wanted to hear.

He nodded slowly and took my hand.

Smiling I took Mia's "let's go home"

We walked out to the car and I sat in the passengers seat ignoring everyone and everything.

Is this really what I wanted to happen? Is this really Mia? it could be another clone.

Authors notes:

- wow! so Mia isn't dead and Shay is a werewolf. Where does it go now you ask? Well, I do have some things in store that might shock you, but might also want you to close the book and just be done which I guess can be both a good and bad thing.

Chapter 25 is in the making and I'm very excited of what is going to happen.

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