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"Shay! I'm gonna kick your ass!" A familiar voice echoed throughout the garage.

I sighed heavily and continued twisting the bolt around the oil pan of the red 1969 charger. I was laying under the car on a Rollie Car mat. My uncle used to call it a Creeper.

I grabbed the small remote and turned up the volume to a Metallica song and continued my work.

"Shay!" He said again standing before me. He grabbed my by the ankles and pulled me out from under the car after I didn't answer him.

"What?" I groaned looked up at him fixing my white tank top. I dropped the wrench standing up. I tried wiping the grease off my hands but it didn't work, so screw it I guess. "Oh! Dom!"

"Why'd you go out and race last night after I told you not to?" He asked holding my wrists tightly that way I couldn't escape if I wanted to.

"Because we need the money. And I won by the way." I snapped pulling away "Yes, I know there's a price over my head but I'm careful. And I only did this because of you. Just in case anything ever happened"

"You still shouldn't of gone" Dom sighed pulling me into him not bothering about my sweaty skin or the oil on my shirt and that I reeked of exhaust.

"I needed too. It's done and over with. No big deal" I whispered loosely rapping my arms around his waist for a sibling kind of hug.

To be honest my brother and I are close. Very close. We stick together through thick and thin. That's the only reason why he said he came in all big and bad. We're two years apart and are as close as a family could get. I need him, I think if anything happened to him I'd die and I know he would jump in front of a speeding car or a bullet for me. As I would for him

Shay Toretto. I'm 18 and a half. I live here in LA with my big brother Dominic and some close friends that are always by our side. I have dark brown hair like a chocolate coloring my aunt had always said. I lost my dad to a bad racing accident when I was 9 (Dom was just turning 11) and my mom died of a so far un-curable sleeping disorder when I was 12. I have teal colored eyes so I'm very special for that. The only one in the world with that eye color. I'm about 5'5 so I guess on the shorter side but still pretty tall you could say. I've been racing since I was 14. It was illegal for a 16 year old to street racing let alone a 14 year old but always I found a way inside taking the gold, money and fame of street racing to the next level and Dom was right behind me. It's so cool to have him right by my side.

"Hey Dom. This kid wants to get a job here is that cool?" Jesse a small boy with shaggy brown hair and a face pierced in freckles asked leading the 20 year old into the garage.

"Ya. We can always use an extra hand" Dom hollered standing next to me

I was sitting on the hood of my red car just starting to clean up.

Jesse smiled and walked away leaving kid to stand awkwardly in front of my garage door. Dom had went to go fix dinner so it was just me and the kid now.

I don't know what else to call him he looked older than me. Maybe about Dom's age. I don't know. I tried wiping my hands again but of course it didn't work. I walked over to him and threw him a soda from the mini fridge.

"You gotta name?" I asked a common stupid question as that. But I didn't know his name so I asked.

I cracked open the coke and sipped on it waiting for an answer.

He seemed mesmerized by someone like right away. Maybe like I'm in love.

"Bryan" he said snapping back to reality where a greasy street racer had asked for his name.

"Shay" I smiled reaching out my hand to the guy and his took my hand and shook it kindly.

"So, what do you want me to do?" He asked running a hand through what looked like loose blonde corkscrews. He had longer hair but it just cut off right under his ears. The first thing I saw was his bright blue eyes. He had sort of a tan complexion due to working under the sun for hours on end. But then again he looked like a Richy rich guy that sits under the sun all day drinking expensive wine with a hot model by his side on the beach.

I shrugged taking another sip of my soda.

"It's an awkward first impression. But actually your just in time for dinner" I said reaching out my hand again.

He took it. Simple.

I had yanked out my black ponytail letting my naturally loose curled brown hair bounce off my shoulders. I smiled at Bryan who was still staring at me.

He looked away quickly and I elbowed him playfully. He trailed behind me and I held his hand close to me walking through the door.

I took two plates for my self and Bryan and started walked over to the grill. "Can you grab me a beer?" I hollered over to Bryan as he was searching for now two beers.

He nodded and dug through the blue cooler labeled beer.

Bryan smiled handing me my beer sitting down at the picnic table next to me and across from Dom.

"So, where are you from?" Letty Ortiz asked putting a bowl of noodles in the middle of the table sitting next to Dom kissing his cheek.

She was asking Bryan a simple question. But for Bryan it seemed hard for him to remember.

He didn't speak at first stuffing another fork of my famous pasta salad into his mouth, he swallowed and wiped his face with his white paper napkin.

"I've lived in Miami for about all my life. I just moved here as a street racer looking for a job. And now I have one" he smiled looking back down at his almost empty plate.

I smiled at him and looked across at Dom who was uninterested in Bryan's life.

"Okay. Shay, Letty, and myself need to be at the track in an hour. So, we need to get ready" Dom insisted standing up walking into the house to put his plate in the sink.

Bryan who was trailing far behind Dom and Letty to put his plate away looked back at me waiting for me.

"Did you want to come with us? You'd be driving with me" I smiled dropping my dish into the sink for Letty to wash.

"Sure" He nodded and sat down on the counter Helping Letty with drying.

"I'm gonna go jump in the shower. Get this all grease off me. Okay?" I asked lightly putting a hand on Letty's back starting to walk upstairs.

She nodded handing Bryan the plate.

Ya we're old school. But that's okay we like to be like that. And I'm sure it's not going to change.

I walked upstairs shutting myself in the bathroom and turned the knob to hot water came pouring out. I stepped in and let the water sizzle on my burnt shoulders. I rubbed shampoo and conditioner, rinsed and got out. I dried my hair out with a blue towel leaving me exposed alone in my bathroom.

That's when I heard shouting stopping me in my tracks.

What the hell is going on?!
"Dom!" Letty's voice echoed in my ears as I entered the kitchen stopping in the doorway.


Dom stumbled backwards wiping the gushing blood from his nose and split lip.

His white knuckles contacted skin and bones knocking Bryan off his feet. He fell into me stumbling blotting his face for blood

"Dom!! What the hell is going on?!" I yelled catching Bryan standing him up straight.

Dom stormed through the screen door throwing it open trying to cool down.

"Shay, let's just drop it okay. I'm going to see if Dom's okay" Letty insisted pushing open the door as it squeaked and smacked shut sounding like a mouse trap only louder.

I nodded squeezing Bryan's hand "follow me up stairs just let me clean you up"

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