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"Hey Case. she's waking up" I said staring across the patio at Mia, as she came to.

"Where am I?" She mumbled trying to break her hands free of the duct tape. "Let go of me toretto, I never did anything to you. Your actually supposed to be dead"

"It's funny that you think that I'm supposed to be dead, when you were the one that was supposed to kill me. What happened? Did you choke and let me live because your the really Mia that I know? Or are you just a bitch?" I said leaning over my knees sitting next to Casey.

"Untie me" she smirked blowing the hair out of her eyes obnoxiously.

I shook my head slightly laughing. I can't believe she thinks I'm just going to let her go just because she let me live in the subways. That's really sad. I loaded the pistol and aimed it at her. "Tell me"

"Oh honey I'm a bitch" I hissed licking her lips sarcastically. Taking her hands out from behind her back, untied.

I gasped thinking she would try and kill me or hit me or something. I promise you. That's exactly that I thought she was going to do, but she just took off. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"Mia. Stop, were just trying to help. Don't make me hurt you again, that's the last thing I want to do" the last part of my words faded away as i looked into her eyes.

For maybe a split second, she actually sounded like the real Mia. Felt like the real Mia, then just like that it was brutally torn away from me.

"You hurt me? Your the one with a gunshot wound" she laughed sucking air through her nose, her nostrils flared as she laughed.

Anger flooded through me, almost like I had sudden superpowers and the brains to use them.

"Well, I wasn't the one knocked out on the floor for two hours and I wasn't the one tied to a patio chair" I snorted as she pulled away from me.

Okay, so trash talking my cousin was I guess a good thing only because I knew how to get under her skin. But then again we both knew everything and anything about each other like the back of a book.

She balled her fists quickly, and swung her right fist at me. Hitting me in the face.

That pissed me off, I mean she really had to hit me? We were talking. Not fighting!

I found my hands gripping her hair pulling it knocking her down "I don't want to hurt you" I grabbed her hand picking her up.

"Shay stitches!" Casey yelled pointing to her own hips to say basically be careful.

I rolled my eyes. Honestly if she hadn't said anything I think I would have forgotten she was there.

"Don't want to break your stitches don't you toretto?" Mia smirked hitting me again this time in the chest.

"I told you, my stitches are fine" I yelled grabbing her throwing her into the stone patio ground.

She picked herself back up quickly and grabbed me, tripping me and throwing me into the ground where she was laying.

She took a taser from her pocket and held it to my neck. After testing it by hitting the button, almost teasing me with it.

"Wait!! Wait!! What about Bryan? You honestly want to hurt me, that would kill him Mia. He would hate you forever and would never forgive you" I spat trying to push her off of me. "What about Bryan Mia?!" I threw my hands up above me trying to block her from killing me.

"Shay!" Casey yelled kicking me the pistol, it slid across the ground and hit me softly on the shoulder next to my neck.

I smirked and grabbed the pistol. "Get off me" I ordered aiming it between her brown eyes.

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