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Dom was the first thing I could manage to think of. But, duct tape was blocking my chances to say something.

"Let me ask you beautiful, do you fight?" A dark haired man asked yanking the tape off my face.

I held back a slight urge to yell in pain and to beat his ass right there. But of course, I couldn't move my arms either. They happened to be duct taped to the chair I was sitting in. Some birthday! Get kidnapped and is asked stupid questions.

He looked a lot like Zac Efron maybe a split image. Brown eyes, sparkling full of Crime and anger. The mysterious one dimple on the right cheek. Only problem was his hair.

"Untie me" I ordered looking up at him.

"Wow. Boss is right you do have beautiful eyes. One of a kind I bet" he smiled and there was that dimple hiding so much.

I raised my eyebrows quickly. Figures they want me for my eyes to show the world the one of a kind girl with Teal colored eyes. It sounds far-fetched reading it over but its what happens. People have literally tried to take me away for themselves thinking they can get money or something to put me in a museum like an artifact of ancient times. Dom has tried to keep me hidden pretty good. I wasn't allowed to be apart of our special "gigs" until Bryan came along 4 years ago just before Mia died. I was with her when she died.

"Look she's not another fake" another dark haired young man smiled holding a cream file in his right hand flipping through pages and pages of information of me.

He had a finely chiseled jaw line with blue eyes and wore a black leather jacket with the words Harley written small in white on the chest pocket. He was taller than me and wore a determined yet plain expression.

I coughed cutting into the conversation. I have a thing for that.

"Harley" walked over to me squatting in front of me. Facing me. He grabbed my face like Bryan had yesterday only tighter and more violent.

"And you. You think we'll just let you go?" He asked whispering letting me go. He was close to my face.

I laugh now about it now, but I used to have a friend that would literally get in your face and talk to you like that. It was one of those like "back off!" I just think of him now a days and wonder, where is he now?

Ringing echoed in my ears as the piercing sound continued singing from a phone.

"Hunter grab that" He stood up and looked at his partner who had watched the vibrating phone hover across the black desk.

Hunter grabbed the phone and watched it go to voicemail showing it to his brother well, partner.

"Who's Bryan?" Harley asked shoving the phone into his coat pocket.

"I don't know" I shrugged lying and licked my chapped dry lips

Of course I know who Bryan is. I lied to save his ass and probably the rest of my lovely Crew. I sat back rolling my head hearing bodily cracks that I could only hear in my neck.

I kicked my left leg out and hit Harley in the place where the "sun does not shine" and caused him to fall to his knees gasping for air as he held back his cries.

I had a shotgun to my head now. Hunter held it close and tightly waiting for me to "strike again". I didn't, I'm kinda scared having a gun held to my head now.

"Sorry" I muttered I was being a smartass straightening back up. I smiled slightly trying to hide my laughter under my breath.

Harley grabbed my collar pulling me to his level his eyes sparkling from fresh dried tears.

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