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Vote! If you love Partying! 

There is a picture of Bryan on the right! :D isn't he cute? 

Anyways, happy reading. 

---------------------------------------------------Song-Dynamite (Taio Cruz)---------------------------------------

'Never take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.'

Chapter 5-*Great-Party-My-Ass*

I HATE PARTIES! I despise them. That may come as an utter shock since I am a teenager and blah blah! But no, I don’t like parties because firstly, they go on till late nights and my sleep is more precious to me than anything in this world. Secondly, I am a lightweight and I get drunk and do stupid things. Let’s not get into into that.

So one week later, this was the night when we were suppose to have the party at Ashley's place. Her parents were very cool people, and mostly stayed out due to work so her place was the best for these parties. 

From the word of mouth which had spread through the school, I knew there was going to me a lot of people at the party. For some reason, I wanted Ben to be there. 

Ian as usual had conviniently stayed at my place, and was munching the pringles with a very annoying sound. Irritated by the noise, I snatched the box away from him. 

Ian glared at me; his eyes could have practically burned a whole into my forehead.

'' WHAT?'' I asked amused. I loved irritating him. 

'' I wasn't finished yet!'' he answered a bit crabbily.

‘‘Shut up Mr. Grumpy you already had like a week's food'' I teased him. Ian is hungry always. Always.

'' Ian, Em I have made pies for you guys. Interested?'' my mom shouted from the kitchen. Since it was Friday, the most hated person on my list was back from work early. 

Ian and I exchanged a quick glance, got up from the leather sofa and raced through the hallway towards the kitchen like our lives depended on it. We like food, scratch that we lived for food!

Ian being on the soccer team obviously had an added advantage apart from the fact he had pushed me twice while running. He got to the pies first and grabbed them both, flashing a devilish grin at me.

'' Give me at least one!’’ I looked hopefully at the second pie which was still untouched by the greedy dog.

'' Kiss my ass'' he replied grinning ear to ear.

'' Yuck. I am not kissing any of you'' I looked at him in disgust.

'' Are you sure?'' he asked winking, over confidence dripping from his voice.

'' Yeah pretty sure. Why don't you just get over it?'' I asked him irritated. For god sake, all I wanted was a pie! And food makes me do things that are unimaginable and unethical. Enough said.

'' You are the only one. You know?'' Ian told me softly.

I am the only one what?!

"WHAT?" I asked him, confused as hell.

'' I mean you are the only one who isn't smitten by my charm.'' he explained it to me in a lowered tone, obviously embarrased. 

'' I have seen you in every which way possible, and for your info it disgusts me.'' I replied in an informative tone.

'' Ouch Emmy, that hurts!'' he replied, feigning a hurt expression. 

'' Whatever. Will you share the last piece with me?'' I pleaded. He had already finished with one pie and was quickly eating away the another. I always wondered how he could possibly eat so much. I still hadn’t figured out the reason. 

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