{My Love} - Anakin Skywalker

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Word count : 734 words

I paced around my apartment in worry. My thoughts had consumed me and forced me to fear the worst.

He has been gone too long. It's been weeks since we had last spoken. He can't leave me all alone.

I was restless, worrying if Obi Wan would walk in to tell me that my 'friend' had died. It scared me. What if something went wrong? What if the battles had gotten to him?

What if he died?

I shook the thought out of my head. I couldn't think that way. I loved him too much to let that thought run past my mind.

C3P0, my protocol droid, walked in," Hello, Miss (Y/N). You summoned me?"

I looked up and gave him a small smile," I'll be out for a few hours, 3P0. I have a few things I'd like to discuss with the other senators about a bill that I'm attempting to pass. If you'd like, you could plug yourself in to charge while I'm gone."

"Do you know when you'll be back so that I can alert the other droids to ready your bath and nightgown, Miss (Y/N)?" He asked

I smiled softly," Around four in the afternoon, 3P0. I must go now."

I said goodbye to him before grabbing my things and being led to my speeder where my two bodyguards from my home planet were. I hoped that being consumed at work would be enough of a distraction for myself.

As mentioned to C3P0, I arrived at home by four, a smile on my face. My fellow senators had agreed with my plan and were going to sign my bill when it would be proposed the following week.

As I entered my apartment, I felt something different in the air. Something had happened from the moment I had left that morning. I bit my lip, had there been burglars?

"3P0?" I called out nervously, hoping that he was alright

The droid came out," Oh, hello, Miss (Y/N). There is someone here to see you. I believe that you will be quite pleased to see who it is."

"Alright.." I said worriedly, hesitantly following him through my apartment and to my bedroom. I frowned. Who would have the audacity to be in my bedroom?

I opened the door to the master bedroom before widening my eyes. It couldn't be.

"A-ani?" I stuttered, my eyes wide in disbelief

He was outside in the balcony, looking over the beautiful city planet of Coruscant, his back to me. Nonetheless, when he heard me call out his name, he turned around and had his prize winning grin on his face.

"Hello my love." He smiled widely as he walked into our bedroom and to me

As soon as his arms wrapped around me, I tightly held on to him and began sobbing quite loudly. Anakin held me close to him, leaning down to whisper sweet nothings to me and rub my sides, knowing that they would calm me down.

"I-I was scared, Ani.. You had been gone for so long, I just-"

"I'm here, (Y/N). I'm here, with you, right now. I'll always come back to you." He reassured me, kissing my temple and wiping away my tears with a soft smile," I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled softly, looking up at my handsome man

I laughed softly at my crying, bringing my hand up to caress his face and the other to run my fingers through his dirty blonde hair. His blue eyes stared down at me with such love and contempt, I felt like the luckiest girl in the galaxy.

He smiled down at me and leaned down to kiss me passionately. I sighed happily into the kiss, having missed the feeling of his lips on mine for such a long time. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held my waist in his. As if two pieces of a puzzle, we were complete.

Moments later, a droid came up to us," The bath is set, Miss (Y/N)." He announced

I smiled as I pulled away from my husband," Let's go bathe, darling. You could tell me all about your journey."

Anakin smiled and kissed my temple, agreeing with me as he led me into the bathroom. I smiled fondly at his laughs and his large smile. I had my husband back.

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