{Training} - General Hux

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requested by : @MysticalMoons2

34."You don't have to do this to impress me!"

Word count: 1482 words

Hux was jealous. I knew it for weeks, months probably, but I said nothing of the topic. We've been dating for years now and I know practically every book and cranny of the man, know every button to push and to avoid.

"Do you have to go to training?" Hux groaned, propping himself up with one arm, watching me through tired eyes. I've been trying to move away from him for the past five minutes but he just tightened his grip whenever I moved a fraction of an angle.

"Yes, 'Tage." I hummed,"My Master will not be pleased if training is delayed."

"Ren will be fine if you miss one lesson." He tried to lure me back to sleep, kissing along my shoulder blade and up my neck," I want to lay in bed with you longer."

"My Master will be angry, 'Tage." I sighed but laid still as he kissed along my jawline

"So you value your Master over your lover?" I heard and sensed the anger and frustration in his voice

"You know it's not like that, Hux." I smiled softly, running my fingers through his short ginger hair,"Do I keep you from your job?" He shook his head and I smiled,"Then you can't keep me from mine, 'Tage. I love you and value you more than anything and anyone."

"I know." Hux smiled softly and brought me closer to him, holding my small body flush against his bare chest. I watched him with a fond smile before he dipped his head down to kiss me,"Go get ready, I have to change as well."

I smiled and pecked his cheek before getting up from our shared king sized bed and grabbing my robes from the closet. I changed quickly, having to be at the training room in less than fifteen minutes. I felt Hux's eyes on me and I smiled softly to myself, loving how he's never stopped being so infatuated with me.

"Want to get breakfast?" Hux wrapped his arms around me from behind, leaning down to place his chin on my shoulder

"I can't, 'Tage. You made me sleep in for thirty extra minutes, remember? If I don't hurry, I'll be late." I leaned over to grab my lightsaber. He groaned and I giggled softly, turning in his arms, looking up at him. His ginger hair was gelled back perfectly as he always had it for work," Where's your greatcoat? And are you wearing your cap today?"

"Not wearing the cap for today. The greatcoat is in the closet. I was just going to get it."

"I'll grab it for you, darling." I hummed as I turned to the closet, smiling softly when I found Hux's black greatcoat. I put it over his shoulders, smiling at how it added to his obvious sense of power.

"I'll walk you to the training room." It was more of a command than a question but I didn't mind.

"Thank you, General Hux." I smirked softly as we walked out of our room together, side by side. We walked down the long hallways, General and Apprentice of the Commander. Everyone knew we were dating, we had voted against keeping it private long ago, yet they dared not stop and stare at us. They were far too afraid of us which made me prideful.

Hux opened the door to the training room for me and followed me inside. Seeing that my Master, Kylo Ren, was already there, I saw how Hux's posture stiffened. Ren never had his helmet on whenever he and I were training. I watched how he studied us both silently.

"General Hux,"My Master almost spit out his name," You must be the reason as to why my Apprentice is nearly late to her lesson."

I noticed how Hux's hands balled into fists by his sides,"You're lucky her dedication to her training is the reason why she is on time."

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