{Safe} - Anakin Skywalker

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imagine requested by : @Gabyudg

word count : 624 words

(Anakin's p.o.v.)

Watching you sleep peacefully on your side of the bed made Anakin's heart ache. If only life let you be this serene when you were awake as well. He wished he could protect you from all the dangers the universe had to offer. He was only one man though. He couldn't protect you forever.

He carefully took his arm away from your body to not wake you up and he stood up, making his way outside to the balcony.

His heartbeat was racing. He had sweat on his forehead that chilled him against the cold front that resulted in him raising his hand to wipe the sweat away. He leaned his elbows against the railing and brought his hands up to rub at his face.

He took a few moments to relax with closing his eyes. He listened to the sound of his breathing over the sound of the cruisers passing by, people honking and yelling at each other as they scrambled to get to where they needed.

Images of what he had seen in his dream were flashing in his mind, forcing him to open his eyes once more as his breathing hardened. It was only a dream. It was only a dream. It-

"Ani? Are you okay?" He didn't need to turn around as he felt your hand rub at his back

You. His wife. His lover. His sole purpose in life.

He turned around to look down at your worry filled eyes, his arms snaking down to hold you closer to him. His eyes then lingered down to your stomach, a barely noticeable smile playing on his lips when he saw your ever growing baby bump. Your child was due to come in less than two weeks and both of you couldn't be happier. The baby would represent the love you two had for one another.

"Is something wrong, Ani?" You asked softly, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek

"No, darling. You're here with me and safe. That's all that matters." He told you, smiling slightly

"Then why did you leave our chambers?" You wondered, stroking his cheek with the back of your hand

"Just needed some fresh air. That's all."

He didn't necessarily lie nor did he say the actual truth. His mind was racing back to the nightmare he had had. It was far too much for him.

"What was the nightmare about, my love?" Your hand slid back and went to caress the nape of his neck, running your fingers through his hair, your fingernails slightly scratching at his scalp

He instantly relaxed at that motion, his grip on you loosening only a fraction as a sigh left his lips," I dreamt of you being held captive by Count Dooku. He made me watch as he tortured you, I.. You were so close to dying but, I couldn't let you. I let my rage get the best of me and I got out of my chains and rescued you."

"You saved the day, as you always do." You smiled reassuringly up at him

"It's not that, (y/n)." He sighed, drawing his body away from you to look back over the busy Coruscant," Just seeing you in those tattered robes, so disheveled and in pain.. I don't deserve to have you. All I've ever brought you is pain, misery."

She reached over to take his hand in hers, putting it over her pregnant belly," This is not pain nor misery. All you bring me is joy, Ani. Sure, there are misfortunes because of your occupation and because of mine, but none of that is ever either one of us's fault, alright? I love you, Ani. We protect each other, remember? Even after death do us part."

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