{Trust} - Luke Skywalker

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I'm so inactive yikes but hi I did this v quickly sorryyyyy I hope you like it tho 💖 remember you can request bbys PLUS I'm adding people like Rey and Leia and stuff like that to imagines/pref so yasss

requested by : @RoseTheJedi

20. "Mind tricks don't work on me."

Word count : 1342 words

You struggled against your binds, not caring about the way they dug into your skin. You were in a room surrounded by darkness with no source of light to help you see.

You had been captured by the Rebellion possibly weeks ago yet you had little to no contact with any of them except for the person that had captured you- the infamous Luke Skywalker. You were given a small amount of food each day but that was the only accommodations you had received. To them, you were looked upon as a spy of the Empire's. You shouldn't be trusted.

You hadn't done anything to provoke them, at least you hoped you didn't. You were caught in the middle of a battle between the Empire and the Rebellion and of course, you out of all people had to be captured. You guessed it was because you were one of the Commanders that led the battle but you weren't necessarily in favor of the Empire's hunger for power.

You gave up trying to find any sort of escape after a week of being held captive. That and because the first three times you tried to escape had resulted in you being chained to the wall. You just sat dejectedly on the ground throughout the day, you thoughts wondering as to whether or not you'll end up dying on this filthy floor.

You squinted your eyes as the only door to the cell opened and light flooded in. Your eyes took a few moments to adjust to the light before you looked up and saw that no other than Luke Skywalker standing before you.

"I have been vouching for your release, (y/n)." He stated, crouching down to look at you contemplatively with his sky blue eyes

"Have you? Or are you trying to get in my head once more?" You retaliated, flinching slightly when he brought his hand up to caress your cheek softly.

Although he had captured you, after a few visits and talks with you, he learned about you in many different ways that you hadn't known you had expressed. You had hated the blonde man at first but with every visit, you looked at him as more endearing. Not to mention he was so handsome, not that you'd mention it out loud.

"Your mind tricks don't work on me if you haven't noticed, Jedi." You stated, looking away from his burning stare

"I know, (y/n). I'm not using them. Many of them want you locked up in this cell." He murmured, continuing to stroke your cheek,"But I've come to a compromise."

You looked up at him and tilted your head to the side," What kind of compromise?"

"I'll be responsible for your care. You deceive and betray us, I'll be exiled." He explained, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watched you slightly widen your eyes. He was willing to risk his high position in the Rebellion and his freedom for you. For some reason, your heart skipped at that," That is, if you trust me." He added

"Anything to get off this filthy floor." That caused him to laugh which made a smile appear on your face

He took out a key from a pocket of his and he unchained you from the wall. From the exhaustion and straining of your arms, they slumped down and you with them, groaning softly.

"Hey there, you're okay." Luke told you as he reached over to hold you from completely crumpling on the ground,"I'm sorry for all of this." You only answered with a nod before he wrapped one arm around around your back and the other around the back of your legs.

You tried resisting but he just held you tighter in his arms,"Trust me, (y/n)." He murmured. You listened and almost reluctantly placed your head on his chest. Almost.

He stood up and carried you out of the dark cell. You blinked at the larger amount of light that you were forced to adjust to and you saw two men that appeared to be of the royal guard standing on either side of the door.

Luke passed by them and carried you away from the haunting cell, the royal guards following you both. Looking away from their smoldering stares, you buried your head down Luke's chest. As Luke continued walking, you heard commotion and eyes burning into your body.

You said nothing until Luke stopped and told you that you had arrived in the bathroom," I guessed that you wanted a bath before we had dinner." He smiled sheepishly down at you as you looked up at the man.

He set you down on the toilet seat and turned on the warm water. He waited for it to be at a reasonable height before he began walking out of the room to give you privacy.

You tensed and grabbed his hand,"You're not going to leave me, are you?" You whispered out

He looked back at you and gave you a reassuring smile," I'm going to be right outside the door, (y/n). I'm going to prepare dinner. I don't think you want to go out and see everyone right now."

You nodded and watched as he left before you slowly peeled your clothes off and lowered yourself into the steaming water, sighing happily.

An hour later, you walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your slim body and another around your wet hair. You realized that the bathroom as a part of a large bedroom. You went over to a dresser and opened one, seeing boxer briefs and socks filling it.

You grabbed one of the briefs and put it on, biting when it fit a bit too big on you but it was good enough for the time being. You had to wear underwear similar to this when you were a part of the Empire due to the males and females needing to have the same uniform, differences between the stormtroopers and officers. You put on a pair of socks as well, smiling softly at how they warmed your slightly cold feet.

You closed the drawer and opened a second to see it filled with shirts. You grabbed one and smiled when it fit just five inches above your knee with how large it was. You walked out of the bedroom, biting your lip when you hadn't found Luke.

"Luke?" You called out nervously

You heard footsteps rushing to you," Oh. I thought you were in trouble." Luke sighed out in relief before he noticed what you were wearing," You're wearing my clothes."

You looked down and blushed hard," I'm sorry. I could wear my other-"

"No, no, it's okay." Luke reassured you," Its kind of my fault. I should have gotten clothes from my sister for you but it's fine. You look really good."

You blushed harder and didn't meet his gaze. He took your hand in his and led you to the kitchen," I made some dinner, if you'd like." Your grumbling stomach answered him and he laughed while you looked away in embarrassment.

In an hour or so later, you were sitting beside Luke on his couch as he told you of the Rebellion's struggle against the Empire.

"I was only ever taught that the Rebellion caused instability in the universe, not the other way around." You spoke up, looking down at your fingers that were fiddling with each other

"We want to create balance in the universe, not instability." Luke shook his head as he looked over at you,"Now that you're a part of the Rebellion, you could help us stop them."

You looked away," That's treason, Luke. I can't."

"It's not treason if you're not a part of the Empire anymore. We need all the help that we can get, (y/n)."

"I can't." You repeated

He understood by the tone of your voice that you didn't want to continue the conversation any longer," I trust you. Why can't you trust me?"

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