{Beast} - Luke Skywalker

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obvs based off of batb but comment if you want a pt 2

Word count : 719 words

requested by my queen rmadisond

"It hurts.." The man groaned lowly

"We're almost there." You reassured him, pushing back his hair from his forehead, wet with sweat from the previous events," Are you cold?"

"What do you think?" He snapped back at you, bringing his head up from looking at the snow to looking at you as he was draped across your horse.

You decided not to retaliate and you took your crimson red cloak off, wrapping it around his body to help him preserve heat. You watched as he closed his eyes. His head then lulled to the side and you knew that he lost consciousness. At least he'll keep his mind off of the pain at least for a little while.

You sighed softly and walked beside your horse, looking back at the Sith occasionally to make sure he hadn't fallen off the back of your horse.

"Wake up." You shook him awake as you stood in front of the large double doors of the entrance," We have to get in."

He looked up at you groggily and gave you a small nod, letting you help him off of your horse. He let out a grunt of pain as his wound was exposed to the brisk cold air.

"Let's get you inside." You told him and he said nothing as you led him indoors.

You trudged through the castle, the man's arm around your shoulders for support and your arm around his waist to help him walk through the long corridors of his palace.

You both said nothing and the only sounds came from your breathing and his labored breaths as well as his occasional groans of pain.

You looked over at the sulking man for a moment before being scared that he'd catch you and turning back to squeeze the water out of your cloth, walking over to him timidly. He looked up and watched you approach him with his red yellow eyes.

Instead of backing away in fear, you kept your stance and looked down at his wound, a shot from a blasted was on his left side. It didn't look fatal, the man having turned at the right time to have it just be a shallow wound, yet it needed to be treated if he didn't want it to get infected.

"Just hold still." You told him softly as you were closer to him now, looking down at his torn shirt and almost rolling your eyes when he kept on squirming away from you,"This may hurt a little."

The cloth pressed down on his wound and he groaned at the sting, flinching away from you, and wrapping a hand around your neck," That hurt!" He shouted

"If you hadn't moved, it wouldn't have hurt as much!" You shouted back at him, returning the glare he was giving you, not giving him the submission that he wanted you to give him, even with his hand around your neck.

"If you hadn't run away, this wouldn't have happened!"

"If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!"

The man opened his mouth then closed it. He let you go and opened his mouth once again, closed it again.

"You shouldn't have gone into the West Wing."

He seemed pleased with his answer while you rolled your eyes at him,"You should learn how to control your temper." He had no response for that so you let a small smile appear on your lips, knowing you had won this,"Now hold still, this may sting a bit."

You got closer to him and gently pressed the wet cloth to his wound, the man inhaling sharply yet not saying anything as you tended to his wound. He watched you curiously, wondering as to what was going on in your mind. He already did know, he had the power to invade anyone's thoughts. Nevertheless, you, out of everyone he's known, were different, in some apparent way.

"Thank you, by the way." You murmured, looking up from the man's wound to look up at his fearful eyes," For saving my life." You brought your hand up for a moment, reaching up to brush his blonde hair away from his eyes as he watched you with curiosity in his yellow eyes.

He hesitated for a few moments before nodding back at you," You're welcome."

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