{[You Think] He's Cheating} - Preference

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Anakin - Your suspicion began when you saw him arriving home later than usual and him becoming more secretive as well. Whenever you would ask him about it, he would get nervous and stutter, avoiding eye contact. At one point, you had enough. When you asked C3P0, your droid, where Anakin had gone off to this time, he said that your husband had gone off to see Padme. It broke your heart that the love of your life was choosing to be with other women and especially Padme, who was your best friend and was like a sister to you.

When your husband returned that night, he was confused as he watched you with suitcases, packing your things.

"What's going on?" He asked nervously

"I'm leaving. I'm obviously of no importance to you." You said briskly, turning to get more of your clothes from your closet but Anakin stopped you, holding his hands on your hips.

"Tell me, (Y/N), what's going on?" He asked once again

"You're cheating on me! Why should I stay here like an idiot, waiting for my husband to return home when you're off with Padme! I-I can't deal with this!" You sob out, ashamed at yourself for crying but you couldn't help it. Anakin was breaking your heart little by little.

"Hey, hey, darling. I'm not cheating. I would never." Anakin smiled softly, holding you tightly in his arms," It's just that our anniversary is coming up and I want to do something very very special for you, my love."

You then cried harder," I'm sorry! I just.. I missed you.." You hated yourself to be jumping off to conclusions. Anakin would never be capable of hurting you that much.

He smiled and held you closer to him," I will always love you, (Y/N). No one else compares to you."

Luke - You found him kissing this mechanic girl which made your blood churn into anger but you willed it away, turning around and going the separate way. You felt nothing but pain, betrayal, and anger at him. What kind of boyfriend was he?

Hours later, you were finally going back to your bedroom after a long day. You avoided Luke as much as possible, not wanting to see or hear him, and you kept yourself busy so that your mind wouldn't wander off to what you had seen.

You clenched your jaw when you saw Luke laying on your bed, smiling up at you," Get out." You said dangerously quiet

Luke frowned," What happened, babe?" He got up with open arms as he walked to you

"We're going to be on a break for now, Luke. I saw you with that other girl and it's taking everything in my power not to lash out on you right now." I sighed, looking away from him

Luke bit his lip and nodded," I'm sorry.." he said softly

"I am too." I muttered, going to my bed as he left

Obi Wan - It was more your jealousy than of you thinking he was cheating on you. When he had told you he had to go to Mandalore with his Padawan Anakin Skywalker to serve as security for his ex lover Duchess Satine Kryze, you were weary. You knew he loved you. It was no doubt. You two were as in love as it could be and possibly more but just the thought of Obi Wan having to be with Satine for a week's worth or even more made you uneasy.

You loved the fact that although he was busy, he made time to message you every morning and evening. It reassured you that he hadn't forgotten about you while he was caring for Satine.

Two weeks later, he would come back home to you and you'd almost cry happily. He would notice this and would hold you in his arms, asking you what was wrong.

"I thought you would leave me for her." You mumbled as you buried your head down his chest

"I will only ever be with you, my love." He reassured you, kissing your temple

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