{He Asks You Out} - Preference

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A/N: hai hai cuties ! Bruh I'm so so so so sorry I haven't updated in a million years. I think what I'm going to do is update every Monday and Friday and maybe Wednesday if I have time. School is just annoying af and I'm just focusing on it a lot kms. Hope you guys have had/are having an amazing week  💖💖

Anakin - He would be cute and flustered when he'd ask you. He was almost convinced that you would say no since you were a Senator of the Republic and he was a Jedi and it would never work. Nonetheless, you two had grown into best friends which made his master, Obi Wan Kenobi, fond of.

Anakin had to accompany you during a mission to Alderaan to negotiate peace treaties. You loved this because you got to spend time with your best friend which you hadn't gotten the opportunity to see with him having to fight wars and be at the Jedi Temple.

While he flew the ship with you beside him, he would ask in a nervous tone," (Y/N)?"

"Yes, Ani?" You'd respond, smiling over at him with your hand on R2

"You wouldn't mind if..."

You'd frown," If what, love?" He was acting a bit strange with not looking at you, bouncing his knee up and down, and biting his lip

"If I'd take you out for dinner when we get to Alderaan?" He'd glance at you for a moment before becoming extremely invested in the controls

You'd laugh and lean over to kiss his cheek," I would love to."

Luke - He would be shy about it, avoiding you almost days at times, trying to find a way to do it perfectly. You, not knowing what was going on with him, were hurt that he refrained from talking to you.

"Are you alright, Luke?" You had to stop him from boarding his x fighter

He looked away from you and bit his lip," I'm fine, (Y/N). I've got to go, I can't be late."

He would try walking away but you'd block his path again," You're not fine, Luke. You've been ignoring me for the past week and it's annoying. I don't know-"

"Will you go on a date with me?" He had rushed out rather quickly

You rose your eyebrow, confused," What?"

"Id like to take you out on a date, (Y/N), if you'd let me." He would smile at you nervously, timid about your answer

You would grin," You ignored me because you wanted to ask me out? I would have said yes the first moment!"

"So yes?" Luke would ask and you'd giggle, nodding, kissing his cheek and wishing him luck in his flight

Obi Wan - He'd probably act a bit cocky about it yet it would be to mask his insecurity. Deep down inside he would be worried if you'd say no to dating him which was a bit ridiculous with how much you two liked each other.

"(Y/N)?" He'd probably bring it up while you two were done with presenting a mission that your legion and his own were going to follow

You'd hum in return, putting your things away as the last of the clones left. You were known for being organized in anything and everything, something that Obi Wan admired about you.

"I wanted to ask you something." You nodded at this but when you looked up, you saw that he was closer to you with a smirk

You'd blush and move a step back," What is it, Obi Wan?"

He would chuckle and come even closer to you," I'd like to take you out to dinner sometime."

He would probably even lean down to kiss you, leaving you breathlessly saying 'yes' when you two pull away.

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