{Secret} - Obi Wan Kenobi

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This was requested by @Faytheorizing7 💗 hope you like it love

Word count : 1007 words

It had started off with just playful kisses in secluded corridors and rooms but as we got older and our relationship thrived, it was far more than that.

I loved Obi Wan, there was no doubt about it. Every moment we weren't needed at the Jedi temple, we spent it together. We were practically inseparable and the only one that knew of us was his Padawan Anakin Skywalker who had walked in on us more than once so Obi Wan had to tell him about our relationship. Surprisingly, the boy took it well and he made sure to keep our secret hidden from the Jedi Council.

Nonetheless, I was growing closer and closer to resenting our hidden relationship. I hated not being able to walk along the streets freely with my boyfriend, kiss him whenever I wanted, tell him that I loved him whenever I wanted.

"This is risky, Ben." I whispered as he pushed me behind a large pillar

Obi Wan chuckled as he leaned down to kiss me," I don't care. I won't see you for a week and this is our only free moment."

I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him down to kiss him lovingly. He smiled against my lips, holding me protectively in his arms as we kissed, relishing in the quick moment we had together.

"Alright lovebirds, we have to go." Anakin stood close to us, smirking at us

I blushed and smiled up at Obi Wan who shot Anakin a glare. I giggled and leaned up to give him one last kiss," Good luck, darling. I'll be waiting for you when you come back."

Obi Wan smiled and kissed my temple," I love you."

"I love you too." I hummed happily, kissing him once more before going over to Anakin and hugging him," Keep a close eye on him, will you?"

Anakin chuckled," As I always do."

When Anakin had messaged me when he and Obi Wan were on Mandalore to protect the duchess Satine and he decided to ask me if I knew anything about the relationship between she and Obi Wan, it was a line crossed for me. He told me about the time Obi Wan and Satine were spending together and how she had told him that she still loved him after all the years they hadn't seen each other. It pained me to think that not even Satine knew that Obi Wan was only mine and that she could never have him.

But I couldn't stay mad at Obi Wan, no matter how much I tried. When he had finally returned back to Coruscant, I was at the Jedi Temple, receiving instructions from Master Windu for the next mission I would go to.

After the meeting, I was on my way to my room when I saw Anakin. I smiled widely and he chuckled, going over to me," You're back!" I said excitedly

Anakin chuckled and nodded," I am. You were the first person I was looking for."

I smiled," I was just on my way to my quarters. Maybe you can tell me all about your mission while I make us a cuppa."

Anakin smiled and nodded," Yeah, I'd like that." We walked beside each other and spoke as I led him to my room

"And Obi Wan?" I smiled as I went over to the stove to put the kettle filled with water over it," I would have assumed he would have been here already."

"Oh, yeah, Obi Wan." Anakin smiled sympathetically," He's still on Mandalore."

I frowned," Why? I thought you two were supposed to come back together today."

Anakin shrugged," He said he wanted to make sure for a few more days that the duchess wouldn't have any more threats or issues with Death Watch."

"So it's inevitably her over me." I smiled bitterly, lacing my fingers together tightly, avoiding the urge to cry

Anakin smiled at me sadly, going over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder," He's not like that, (Y/N), you know that. We, as Jedi, have to do what's best for the greater good."

I sighed," I know. I just haven't seen him in months- with the war raging on and keeping our relationship a secret. I don't know what to do." I shook my head," I have a mission that I'm supposed to leave to tomorrow morning and I hoped that we could spend at least the night together before I left."

Anakin smiled sadly and wrapped his arms around me in a hug," He loves you, don't worry. Maybe one day in the future, all this secrecy would be worth it." He offered

I smiled," I know it will."

I was fast asleep hours later and Anakin was gone. I woke up with a start when I felt arms wrap around me.

"Shh, darling, it's me. I'm home, my love." I heard Obi Wan whisper

"O-Obi?" I asked nervously, trying to calm down my nervous heartbeat

"I'm right here. And I will be for the next two weeks, accompanying you on your mission." Obi Wan smiled, holding me closer against him in his strong arms

I widened my eyes," Really? How?"

Obi Wan chuckled," I have my ways. And I wanted to see you enough before I would have to go back to the war."

I sighed as I settled in his arms," I've missed you, Ben. It's been months." I whispered sadly

"I know, my love, and I apologize. I'll be making more of an effort to get to see you. I promise." He reassured me, kissing my temple lovingly

"I despise us being a secret, Ben." I sighed

Obi Wan was quiet for a few minutes before laying down beside me," Sometimes secrets are meant to be kept."

"If only the world knew I love you." I murmured as I slowly went back to sleep

"You are my world. I love you very much." Obi Wan whispered, kissing my cheek before falling asleep as well

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