{Dark} - Han Solo

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Word count : 1747 words

"The one thing that you were supposed to do, fly us away from the ship, you couldn't do it! You had to fly us straight into the Imperial Star Destroyer!"I crossed my arms

"It wasn't my fault that they have a tractor beam." Han retaliated

I groaned as I tried to send a transmission," I knew I should have brought Chewie with me instead."

Han scoffed," What is that supposed to mean?"

"My boyfriend is useless, that's what." I told him, sending a smirk over at him

"Hey!" He complained," That's not fair. You prefer Chewie, a Wookie, over your dear, handsome, amazing boyfriend?"

"(Y/N)?" I turned when I saw Luke Skywalker, my mentor, and smiled at him grimly," What's wrong?"

"Han got us caught on an Imperial ship, Master. We're gonna need reinforcements. There are possibly three or four Star Destroyers."

"We'll be there soon, just-"

Luke's image was flickering in and out," They're interfering the transmission. I'll see if I can communicate with you later, Master."

"It's still weird to hear Luke being referred to as 'Master' by you." Han chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me

I rolled my eyes but kissed his cheek," Not my fault you're dating a Jedi."

Han laughed," Not complaining."

"You're coming with us, rebel scum." I turned and clenched my jaw at the four stormtroopers that had their guns pointed at us

Han and I looked at each other and he smirked at me, putting his hands up in feigned defeat. I copied his actions, watching as they neared us before he took his gun out and shot at all of them.

"Always resorting to violence." I tutted at him and shook my head but helped him take off their armor

"The best way to cut things short." Han smirked

I rolled my eyes," We need to get intel on the Empire before Luke gets here. They obviously know we're here they just won't find us yet." I hummed as I put on the uncomfortable suit

"So what's the plan?" Han asked, putting the helmet over his head

"I'll tell you when I have one." I replied, grabbing a gun and walking beside him, out of the Falcon

"That's reassuring." He muttered

"Stop complaining. We need to move quickly. You know how valuable the information would be if we get it to Leia."

"Leia, right." Han said nervously

I smirked then remembered that he couldn't see me through our helmets. Han and Leia had a small fling before we started dating and although I knew Han loved me and had no romantic interest in Leia anymore, I loved seeing his reactions whenever I mentioned her. You've got to keep your boyfriend on his feet somehow.

"Let's keep moving. Can't be looking too suspicious." I told him, looking around the corridors, not seeing too many troopers walking through them thankfully," We don't have much time."

I tried clearing my mind, looking for the main conference room as we walked," What are we even searching for, anyway?" Han asked

"The main conference room. I can't-" I elbowed Han a bit too forcefully," I know where it it."

Han groaned lowly," You couldn't have just told me that instead of hitting my side?"

I ignored his comment," Let's go. Quickly." I led him through the corridors, the Force guiding me through the large ship

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