{Finally} - Luke Skywalker

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Word count : 877 words

I hummed softly as I fixed up the engine on my X fighter. Thankfully I grew up as a mechanic so that I knew what was wrong with my ship and I didn't need anyone's help.

"You sure you don't want Chewie to help you, (Y/N)?" I turned to see my brother, Han Solo, looking at me

I took off my goggles and rolled my eyes," I can do this perfectly all by myself, thank you very much. I appreciate your offer but I'll gladly decline."

He raised his hands in defeat," Sorry, geez." He laughed as he walked back to Leia who was analyzing a map

I tried turning back to my work but right when I was about to start, I was called out again.

"What?" I said in an annoyed tone as I turned around

When I realized who it was, I widened my eyes and tried turning back to my ship to avoid letting him see my growing blush. I turned around too fast and I accidentally hit my head hard.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Luke Skywalker rushed to me, a worried look on his face

I blinked away from the pain and rubbed my head," Yeah, I'm fine. I just turned around really quickly which wasn't smart."

I looked up as his hand came up to feel around my head and I blushed hard at this," How about we go get some ice? Your forehead's going to look really bruised." He smiled at me

"I-I.. sure." I blushed and smiled shyly as he helped me down the ladder I was on

"I was going to ask you a few things but I'll just save them till later." Luke chuckled

I blushed," I'm sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry. It was my fault for interrupting you when you were working."

"Now you're going to make me feel bad for snapping at you." I groaned and he laughed as he set me down on one of the beds in the medical bay

"I allow it when it comes from you." He smiled over at me and I widened my eyes, my cheeks flushing dark red

Did he really just say that?

"U-um.. so what were you going to ask me?" I watched as he grabbed ice and went to me

He smiled and put the ice to my forehead," I needed some help with my ship and I'd rather not have Chewie complaining all the time."

I almost slumped my shoulders down in disappointment. Of course, I was the mechanic when I didn't fly my X fighter.

"Um, yeah, sure. I'll have a look at it." I nodded

"Thank you so much, (Y/N). You're a life saver." He grinned

I smiled softly and nodded," I'll go finish my own and I'll go to yours. Thanks for the ice." Before he could say anything else, I quickly left the medical bay

He only ever thinks I'm useful whether it's to fix something wrong with his ship or when he wanted me to be with him when he fought off the Empire in space. He was never like "Maybe we could have a drink some time" or "I want to be your boyfriend". To him I was just the mechanic/star fighter friend that was lovesick about him.

I sighed as I went over to his ship after finishing repairs on my own. I frowned softly when I saw there were only minor complications with it. I wondered why he hadn't asked R2 to do them for him.

Adds to another reason how insignificant I am to him. I thought to myself, sighing as I got to work

I was so deep at the task at hand that I jumped when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around with an annoyed face," What?"

I saw that it was Luke," S-sorry... again." I smiled sheepishly

Luke smiled at me brightly," Don't be sorry, (Y/N). I just wanted to check up on you."

I widened my eyes and blushed," C-check on me?"

"Yeah. It looks like you fixed up my ship really good, thanks so much." He grinned

Of course he didn't actually mean me.

I gave him a small smile," Yeah, it didn't have anything that bad with it, to be honest. You could have had R2 help you, you know."

I swore I saw him blush at this," I- oh, I didn't really think of that."

I giggled," It's fine. I have your ship at a better state than it was before. Did you need anything else?"

He bit his lip," Um.. yes I do." He nodded

"Okay, what is-"

I couldn't finish my sentence because he leaned down to kiss me hard. I widened my eyes at the sudden gesture before relaxing in the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck as his were around my waist. We both smiled into the kiss and pulled away moments later.

"Finally!" We turned our heads to see Han grinning slyly at us," I was about to glue you two together so that you would finally kiss."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Luke who was already looking down at me with his beautiful smile.

Finally indeed.

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