{Rest} - Captain Rex

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Word count : 1347 words

I looked over the large landscape as we were flying over the soon to be battlefield in the carrier. The planet Felucia was a gorgeous view and it made me feel bad that we had to have the war brought out to this beautiful planet.

I stood between my master Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex, my boyfriend. We were dating in secret, knowing that it was against the Jedi code, yet I never felt more contempt than when I was beside my lover. His hand would brush against mine as the slightest gesture and we would exchange subtle glances at each other.

The carrier had a bit of a rougher landing than I had expected and I fell over. Thankfully, Rex picked me up before I could hit the floor and he helped me up

"You alright, General?" He asked as he made sure I was okay

I blushed hard out of embarrassment and even heard the other clones snickering at me," Y-yeah, Rex. Thank you.." I hurried out of the carrier as quickly as possible to save me from any more shame

I sighed as I went walking around the terrain, getting familiar with what we would have to fight around. I could do at least one thing right today.

"General (Y/N).." I turned around when my name was called and smiled softly when I saw it was Rex

"Yes, Rex?" I asked, watching as he took his helmet off

"General Skywalker sent me to make sure you don't wander off alone." He stated

I nodded," I'd like the company."

"Are you alright, love?" He asked with a concerned tone, looking around and being grateful no one was near us

I continued walking, admiring the beautiful plants," I'm fine, Rex. Don't worry about me. It was just a small fall."

"I'm your boyfriend, I have to be worried for you." He chuckled softly

I blushed and smiled up at him, kissing his cheek," I assure you I'm okay, love."

He smiled and leaned down to give me a soft kiss," I just want to protect you."

"You already do, my brave soldier." I smiled up at him lovingly

He smiled and held me close to him as we cherished the small amount of time we had together before we had to go into battle against the Separatists.

Hours later, the fighting was already underway and Anakin and I were at the front of the attack. I kept all my thoughts out of my mind, focusing solely on the task at hand. We had to take out the grand majority of the droids to be able to free the natives they had taken prisoner.

I would at times hear Rex from behind me but I dared not look back. I knew one little mistake would cost me dearly.

I continued fighting my way through the battalion of droids along with my master by my side. We made progress with the clones behind us and helping us in defeating the droids.

I saw the large tanks rolling in and I took the incentive to destroy them despite the warnings I was being given. My focus was on taking out the tanks which at the most part, had been a success. Nonetheless, I wasn't quick enough to jump off of the last tank that I was on and I was hurt by the explosion.

I groaned as I was blasted onto the ground and slipping in and out of consciousness with how unbearable the pain was.

"Rex! Get (Y/N) out of here!" Anakin shouted as he led the other clones to continue fighting

I blinked away the pain and tried sitting up," I-I'm okay. It's fine." I tried to reassure myself but it was too hurtful to even lift up my head

"You just had to save the day, didn't you, (Y/N)?" He wrapped his arms around me as he picked me up

"I-I can keep on fighting, Rex. I'm okay, just go grab me my light saber." I insisted

"You're not going to be fighting for a while, love. I won't allow it."

I tried resisting the need to cry but the burns hurt too much," Rex, it hurts.." I whined," So much."

"You're going to be okay, darling. I'm here for you. Just stay with me." He told me

I fought the urge to fall asleep," I love-" I fell unconscious all at once, my head lolling over to his shoulder

When I opened my eyes again, I squinted at the bright harsh light that was shining on me. I had a pounding headache and it felt like every part of my body was in flames

"Quite a hard hit you sustained, General." The squadron's medic, Kix, stated as he moved the light away from my eyes so that I could adjust to my surroundings

"Wh-" I frowned when I saw that I couldn't form a word completely

"Don't try, General. You were breathing in so much of those flames that it affected your vocal cords but it's only temporarily. You experienced harsh burns as well but with the proper medication and ointment we'll be giving you, you'll be alright in a few weeks, possibly months."

I widened my eyes,"Months?" I tried whispering. I couldn't be stuck on a bed for months. I had to be out in the battlefield, fighting for the restoration of peace in the galaxy

Kix chuckled," You'll be fine, General (Y/N). Just rest, you'll be having a lot of that now."

I closed my eyes to relax. What if something bad happened with my absence? I couldn't just stay here.

Kix left and minutes later, Rex came in. He took off his helmet and gave me a mixture of a relieved yet worried smile.

"My girl's awake." Rex smiled fondly as he approached my bedside

I smiled at him shyly and tried to tell him," Hi," But it came out more as a squeak

Rex chuckled," Don't talk, my love. It's okay." He reassured me as he stood beside my bed, leaning down to kiss my temple lovingly

I closed my eyes momentarily at his loving gesture but then pouted. I was a very talkative person, not being able to speak for however long was too depriving for me.

Rex smiled," I brought a pen and a clipboard. I know this is pretty hard on you, darling."

I smiled at him thankfully as he put them in my hands. I moved my arms in a more comfortable manner, ignoring the searing pain at the small movement.

Kix said that I had to probably be in bed for months :(

Rex chuckled as he read what I wrote," It's just to make sure you won't get any infections or get hurt any more before you get healed darling."

But I can't just sit here! It's going to be so horrible just being in bed all day and night when I can be with you and Anakin!

"You'll be out and about with General Skywalker in no time, love. As for me, I'm right here." Rex reassured me, taking my hand in his comfortingly

I blushed and smiled at him gratefully before writing out Can we cuddle?

"I don't want to hurt you, love." I was about to write something back but he stopped me," I can see how you're in pain, (Y/N)." He smiled sadly

I just want you here with me, please. I pouted at him with big, pleading eyes

Rex sighed," Alright, love." I smiled as he finally gave in to me

He took off his armor, leaving him in his undershirt and pants before he came up on the bed.

I winced and whimpered at the searing pain and he was nervous as he wrapped me up in his arms, holding me close.

"Shh, darling, it's okay. I'm here." Rex murmured, kissing the top of my head

The pain slowly flowed away as he held me still in his arms, my head on his arm," I've got you. I'm here, I promise."

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