{Fighter} - Luke Skywalker

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Word count : 778 words

"Red Leader, you have three TIE fighters after you." I stated as I glanced at Luke who was leading our squadron

We were on the planet of Lothal, freeing them of the blockade that the Trade Federation and the Empire had forced upon them. We won the battle up in space and we had little time to defeat the troops and their base on the planet and deliver the food and supplies before the Empire would send reinforcements.

"Cover me, (Y/N)." He responded," Have to blow up that base before it goes airborne."

"Copy that, Red Leader." I told him, closing in behind the TIE fighters

I concentrated on centering my fire between two of fighters that were close to each other. I then smirked as I fired on the two ships and they blew up on impact.

"Great job, (Y/N). Your aim's been getting better."

"Thanks, Red One, but I've got another one to get off your tail." I laughed

"More fighters are closing in on you two." Another one of our team members, Adrian, stated

"We'll hold them off as much as possible." The others promised

"Thanks guys." I smiled yet focused back on the TIE fighter that continued following Luke

I smirked softly as I fired and it went soaring down," Your path is clear, Red Leader."

"Yours is too, (Y/N)." Adrian told me

"Nice job, everyone. We're all going to need to concentrate our fire on the base, now. They're going to be firing at all of us so we'll need one shot before we get out of here." Luke said as he led us in closer to the base

"Copy that, Red Leader." We said, getting ready for his signal

I clenched my jaw and made my X fighter lean over to the right as I was being fired at from below," Better do this quickly, Red Leader." I said through gritted teeth, trying to avoid the blasts

"We're almost in range. Hold on for a couple more minutes." Luke said

"Don't think we have seconds." Adrian called out, yelping a bit when a blast missed him but hit the pilot in the X fighter near him, Samantha

We lost two more pilots, Derrick and Jake," Luke, we have to do this now. We can't afford to lose more of our men." I told him

"Fire now, guys. We're in perfect range." Luke said and I sighed out in relief, concentrating all of my fire on the base, wanting to give it my all before we had to go

I grinned when the base blew up below us," Great job guys. Alright, fleet, we're ready to go home." Luke stated as we flew back up into space, watching as the Resistance fleet make the jump into hyperspace and we followed in suit

Once my ship was finally set down on the ground of our base, I grinned as I got out of it, hugging the pilots of my squadron, telling them how happy I was that they were still here and how great of a job they did

"Your boyfriend is waiting." Adrian winked

I smiled and rolled my eyes at him, turning to see Luke who was talking with Han Solo yet was facing me. I walked towards him and I watched as he excused himself from Han and came to me as well.

"You made me lose three of my men." I told him, crossing my arms as I looked up at him

Luke bit his lip," I truly am sorry. I didn't think that it would take that long, really."

"Next time, listen to me when I tell you these things. They were good people they didn't deserve that."

"I know, I know. I'll be more careful next time, I promise." Luke smiled at me sadly

I smiled softly and walked into his arms. He sighed in relief and held me close to him, kissing my temple," I'm glad you're okay, love." I told him

Luke chuckled softly," I always will be with you by my side."

I sighed," I was so worried with the TIE fighters following you. I thought you were going to get hurt."

"I could practically feel it radiating off of you." Luke smiled softly, kissing the top of my head," I'll always come back to you."

He tilted my chin up and gave me a reassuring smile before leaning down to kiss me lovingly. I sighed happily and returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck happily.

"I love you." I told him as we pulled away moments later

Luke smiled as he pressed our foreheads together," I love you too."

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