{Jokes} - Anakin Skywalker

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requested by : @SatanLikesMyDestiny 💖

15."I have a bad feeling about this."

Word count: 1001 words

"You really think it would work?"

Anakin grinned and winked over at me," Master Obi Wan is too busy getting ready for his mission and training younglings. He won't suspect a thing."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. We had been given a free day to roam around the Jedi Temple since we were both leaving to join our battalions tomorrow morning in continuing the struggle to win the Clone Wars. Nonetheless, my (secret) boyfriend and I had gotten far too bored after two hours so we decided to play a harmless prank on Master Obi Wan Kenobi.

"We should plan it out though. He's not easily pranked." I smiled as we walked along the long aisles of the Jedi Archives, pretending as if we were interested in reading some of the archives.

"It should be one that he won't be expecting. A really good one." Anakin grinned down at me, our hands brushing ever so slightly.

"With the amount of pranks we've pulled on all the other Masters and Padawans, it's going to be a bit hard to pull one on Master Obi Wan. He's probably expecting us to do one on him one of these days."

"Good thing he won't be suspecting a prank today. He's too preoccupied with training." Anakin winked.

I laughed softly," Then we'd better hurry if we want to have the element of surprise."

We sat down together, devising up a plan for the prank that we'd pull on Obi Wan. No moment with Anakin was dull, something that I loved about about our relationship. Our shoulders touched each other's and we smiled at one another.

"When does he go back to his quarters?" I hummed

"Not too long from now, why?" Anakin raised his eyebrow, as if wanting to understand what I was thinking.

"What if we put something above the door so that when he walks in, it falls over his head and covers him to his toes?" I grinned wickedly

Anakin smirked," I like where you're going with this. What are we going to use though?"

I hummed,"Maybe some flour, feathers, and eggs? That always seems to do the trick."

Anakin looked around and smiled when he saw the hallway deserted. He then turned to me and kissed me sweetly before we pulled away moments later," You're a genius!"

I blushed and laughed," Come on, we should hurry before Master Kenobi returns to his quarters."

He stood up and held his hand out at which I gratefully accepted, standing up beside him. We gathered the supplies we needed, smiling and acting innocently as we passed by other Jedi Knights who raised their eyebrows at us yet said nothing. Having both of us together when we're not busy is practically danger for everyone else. We were the troublemakers of the Temple, not even the younglings compared to us. I loved it. Anakin and I were the dynamic duo.

"C'mon, we just turn here." Anakin smirked softly as we turned down a hallway and stood in front of Obi Wan's living quarters.

I turned my head both ways, grateful no one was here," Okay, lets do this quick." I told him and Anakin smirked, waving his hand over the lock pad. We walked inside of Obi Wan's room when the door was opened,"How are we going to get everything up there?"

"I'll go get that chair." Anakin hummed, kissing my cheek before walking over to the small desk and chair, grabbing the latter and setting it right below the door.

"I don't like how easy everything's been." I noted, looking out of Obi Wan's room and grew even more suspicious when I saw no one in the hallway once again.

"Hey, isn't that a good thing? Obi Wan is still training. He doesn't finish until another thirty minutes." Anakin smiled softly, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me back inside his Master's room.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." I chewed on my lip and Anakin shook his head, leaning down to kiss me lovingly. I sighed but melted into the kiss, smiling against his lips.

"It's okay, darling. Since when have you been a quitter in our pranks?" He teased

I rolled my eyes and playfully punched his arm," Never, Skywalker."

"Better get on with it then." He smirked, giving me another kiss

I smiled and got on top of the chair, grabbing the bucket of all of our supplies, thankful the doorframe was so thick so that it could fit nicely without toppling by accident. Anakin in the meantime was placing in the trigger for the bucket when it was going to fall. I wrapped a small but sturdy string around one of the bucket's handles and Anakin positioned the string around the door's frame. He tied the end of the string to the handle and smirked when he saw our handiwork.

"This one is going to be the best one yet." He told me as he helped me down from the chair.

"All thanks to me." I flipped my hair dramatically

Anakin laughed and held me close to him," That boastfulness of yours is too much."

"You love it though." I grinned, leaning up on my tip toes to wrap my arms around his neck and bring him down for a kiss

He gripped my hips in his large hands as he kissed me back. Before we could continue any further, we heard the door open. I pulled away from Anakin to see Obi Wan with his arms crossed and a smirk playing on his lips. I couldn't say anything because it was only seconds after that the bucket fell and covered Anakin and I head to toe with the large amount of flour, eggs, and feathers.

I heard Obi Wan laughing and I crossed my arms, glaring at the older man. He chuckled," I have a sensory pad, alerting me whenever someone enters my quarters. I didn't expect to see all of this, I'm quite amused."

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