{Falling asleep} - Preference

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Anakin - He would find you in bed, snoring softly and he would smile fondly at you. Getting into bed, you would wake up at the movement but he would probably say something like "I'm home darling, go back to sleep" and you'd rest your head on his chest and you both would fall asleep peacefully

Luke - He would probably have an arm around you while you sleep. It's just a matter of keeping you secure in his grasp and make sure that you're there with him as he slept because you're the only person that could help soothe him down whenever he would wake up from his nightmares

Obi Wan - You two fall asleep with your bodies facing each other. You rarely move around in bed so when you wake up in the morning, he's the first thing you see or vice versa. He's the first and last thing you see every day

Poe - He loves having you close to him as you two slept. You didn't complain- with your head on his chest, the fastest way for you to fall asleep was to just listen to his heartbeat

Finn - You two were cute in the way you slept. He would have an arm around you and you two would be holding hands while you slept. It was the most comforting for you both

General Hux - There is not much affection when you're asleep together. You two like to sleep together but have completely different positions for falling asleep. It's more the reassurance that he's on the other side of the bed that makes you fall asleep quicker

Kylo Ren - You were practically on top of him when you slept. You loved the closeness and the intimacy of the position. He was like the human version of  a giant teddy bear

Kanan - With how cramped the beds are on The Ghost, he would at times have his back against the wall and you enveloped in his arms or he would have his back on the bed and you would have your head on his arm or chest

Ezra - With him being so sweet, he'd make sure that you'd have enough room for yourself and just sleep at your side but there would be times where he was having a bad day and he would need your reassurance so he would be the little spoon in these moments, his head on your chest and arms wrapped around your middle and your cheek on top of his head

Captain Rex - He would be extremely overprotective of you even when you two were asleep. His arms would be around you protectively, your head in the crook of his neck, your legs intertwined, his chin on top of your head. He needed to make sure that you were safe with him at all times

Han Solo - You two don't really care when it comes to the sleeping positions- one day it's clinging on to one another, next day it's sleeping with just one arm of his around your waist loosely

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