{Dance} - Obi Wan Kenobi

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Word count : 1540 words

"If you'd have been quicker, we could have caught him earlier!" I crossed my arms, scolding my Master (and secret boyfriend) Obi Wan Kenobi

He chuckled," Sorry, love, I was searching for the cruiser I liked the most."

I rolled my eyes as I looking at the passing ships, trying to find the accused killer, Cad Bane. He had escaped prison and had already murdered someone in his short time out. I had already been in quick pursuit after him but he had gotten into a cruiser and left quickly. Obi Wan, on the other hand, was far too behind and when he caught up, he took his time in choosing a cruiser.

"We'll find him, (Y/N). Don't worry." Obi Wan smiled over at me, reaching over to take my hand in his

"We haven't really had any luck in finding him, Ben." I sighed," I don't even remember the ship he took. He left so quickly."

Obi Wan smiled and pulled me closer. I sighed, placing my head on his shoulder and he kissed my temple lovingly," Let's go get a drink. You're too wound up."

"A drink? Really? This is why-"

"Trust me, darling. There's a club not too far." He hummed as he set off in a different route

I sighed," I don't see the point in me arguing with you. You still wouldn't listen to me."

Obi Wan chuckled,"You're right about that, (Y/N). In any case, you should be the one listening to me. I am your Master after all."

"I suppose I should." I giggled, kissing his cheek

He parked the cruiser and we got out, walking side by side into the night club. I bit my lip at all the nearly nude women dancing and the men (and other women) who were staring at them and cheering them on.

"Master, why this club?" I asked, uncomfortable with the stench that lingered in the air

"It's one of the best ones on Coruscant (Y/N)." Obi Wan chuckled," I love it here."

I raised my eyebrow," You love it here, Master?"

"Of course, they have great drinks." He smirked softly as he led me to the bar

I rolled my eyes," I don't even know what we're doing here when we're supposed to be out and catching a criminal."

"We will get him in time." Obi Wan said after ordering our drinks," You need to learn patience, (Y/N)."

"My patience is wearing thin, Master." I crossed my arms, leaning against the countertop of the bar and looking over the large nightclub

I would much rather be at the Jedi Temple or on a battlefield. It disgusted me with how hungry the people's eyes were on the strippers and not to mention the foul stench of vomit, sweat, alcohol, and heavy perfume and cologne. The music was way too loud and I caught men staring at me which worsened the situation.

"Here you go, darling." Obi Wan smiled as he passed me my drink

I looked at it, twirling it around in my cup, weary about it," Come on, it's just one drink, love. It won't hurt you." And fine, that was enough to convince me

I drank from the cup and was surprised at how sweet it was. Obi Wan chuckled," I told you."

I rolled my eyes at him," So why did you decide to get a drink at this particular club?"

Obi Wan shrugged and smirked softly," I knew no one would recognize us and I wanted to spend some time with you."

Although my cheeks were reddened, I rolled my eyes at him once again," And it had to be a nightclub? No one recognizes us in our apartment since it is just us two."

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