{Old} - Poe Dameron/Finn

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Word count: 1677 words

It wasn't the right time or place when we first began dating. I didn't understand that until it was too late. Poe didn't care, believing that we would stay together until the very end of time. At first, I believed him. We were madly in love with one another and everyone thought that we were truly soul mates.

He loved me and I loved him. Along those lines, everything went downhill. There were more arguments, sleepless nights, and tears. I loved him but all the fighting was too much to bear. I couldn't even sleep in the same bed as him.

The line was crossed when he first hit me. He apologized and I gave him a chance but the arguments led to him hitting me which was far too unbearable. I finally ended it. What kind of relationship did we have if it was mostly just screaming at each other and him hitting me?

"You can't just leave me, (Y/N). You can't just throw everything away!" He shouted, rushing to me and trying to stop me from packing my things

"It's not worth it anymore, Poe. I can't deal with this." I shook my head, tears brimming my eyes

"What about everything we have? Everything we were dreaming of having?"

"Maybe you'll find a new girl to fulfill those dreams." I sighed as I zipped up my suitcase," I just can't be here anymore, Poe."

"Please. Give me another chance. I love y-you." His voice cracked and he took my hands in his

I shook my head and moved away from him, walking out with my suitcase," You have to move on. All this fighting is not good for either of us."

I didn't love him anymore. I realized that I didn't love him after all the times he hit me. I was living in the illusion that I did. When I left the house, it felt like a sort of relief for me. I wasn't held down anymore. I was finally free.

Years later, I was recruited to become a part of the Resistance that I gladly accepted. A man named Finn was the one to show me around the large base. He showed me to the medical bay where I would be working and he introduced me to the other medics who smiled and congratulated me for joining them. He got me accustomed to everything and was obviously a shameless flirt with how much effort he put in trying to woo me.

He was charming (and not to mention extremely handsome) so when he finally asked me out on a date a few weeks later, I said yes almost way too quickly which made him chuckle and kiss my cheek while I blushed.

Finn treated me like a queen and I couldn't ask for more. He was there for me when I needed him the most. Rey would grow annoyed of us but she'd smile and say,"I don't need to have you two be lovey dovey every second of the day, lovebirds." We'd laugh at her, knowing that she was only joking.

No matter what, Finn always managed to make me smile. He made me the happiest girl in the galaxy, no matter how cheesy that sounded. He always put me first and he never disrespected me in any way, knowing my boundaries and never overstepping them because he knew that it would hurt me and he would never want that to happen. Needless to say, he was the most perfect human being.

I didn't know Poe was a part of the Resistance until two years later. Finn explained to me that there were multiple bases across the galaxy and he was probably here on a mission. Finn knew about Poe and I, I told my boyfriend anything and everything with how amazing he was at listening to my problems.

I tried avoiding having Poe see me and Finn thought it was adorable, kissing my forehead and holding me close to him.

"You'll be fine, (Y/N). Don't think he's going to eat you or anything." Finn chuckled

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