{Rebels} - General Hux

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Haiiii lovelies 💖 today has been kind of hard. Carrie has sadly passed away but she's in a better place now and although it's extremely painful, she'd want us to be happy rather than sad so (: anyway, I did this kind of quickly so I hope you like it. Remember to request 💖💖💖

Word count : 1116 words

"Status of the rebel issue on Lothal, Commander Ren." I demanded as I stood in front of widely feared Kylo Ren, looking up at his towering figure with no fear in my eyes," I'd like a full report rather than that sorry excuse for one you gave General Hux. Supreme Leader Snoke would be most unpleased if you spare any important details."

I could practically feel the anger and frustration rolling off of him as his fists balled at his sides," Lothal is slowly being succumbed to the rebels' countless successes. I've pleaded for more troops, Grand Moff (L/N), but to no avail. For some reason, the Rebels seem to be one step ahead of us."

I hummed softly in understanding, turning away from him and walking towards a window, looking over Lothal's Capital City where our main concentration of troops on the planet was.

"Grand Moff (L/N). You called for me?" General Hux's voice sounded and I nodded, not turning to face him as I was too invested in the way the city was clustered

"I thought this meeting was just between you and I, Grand Moff." Even through his sound modulator, his voice seemed strained, as if annoyed that General Hux had joined us

"I decided that General Hux, given his experience with many military successes, would be able to aid us in finishing the Rebel scum." I turned to them, not missing the twinkle in Hux's stone cold blue eyes as we made eye contact. 

"I do not see why-"

"Supreme Leader Snoke sent me to this planet because apparently I'm doing something right that you aren't, Commander Ren. I'd appreciate it if you accepted my judgement." I cut him off, my eyes glancing towards him, my eyebrow raising as if challenging him to continue arguing with me.

"Yes, Grand Moff." He answered

"All your requests have been put into consideration and have been denied." I continued, turning back to look down at the city.

"It's nearly impossible to defeat the Rebels with the troops we have, Grand Moff (L/N)!" Kylo Ren complained

"You have been equipped with more than enough troopers and weaponry, Commander Ren. Moreso, it is not only your ineffectiveness to use the troopers wisely but, your strategies as well. Who is the one that leads the attacks?"

"Kylo Ren believes it is fit for him to be at the head of each attack here on Lothal, Grand Moff." General Hux answered

"I also believe that whenever there is sight of a Rebel, you must fire when ready." Kylo Ren stated

"And you, General Hux, what is your strategy?" I hummed, engrossed in examining every route and pathway of the small city

"Spy on the Rebels, capture them when the time is right and obtain information in whichever way necessary to crush the Rebellion, Grand Moff."

I laughed softly, shaking my head," If you two weren't so busy arguing with one another like toddlers, you could have realized the Rebels' scheme by now." I said as I turned to them once more, smirking softly when I saw Kylo Ren's hand inch to his lightsaber and General Hux's ears turn red

"What toddlers-"

I cut Kylo Ren off quickly," They know your every move because you have the same exact strategy whenever you deal with them. My guess is that they have one or many other veterans of the Clone Wars aiding them in their attacks against us. They possibly also have help from someone in our base who's transmitting to them all of our information."

"I opt for the troopers to have a larger view of the city, have it memorized so they know exactly where they're going whenever we send them after the Rebels." General Hux suggested

I smiled softly and nodded," Once we retire, I'll come up with battle strategies to crush this puny Rebellion of theirs. Supreme Leader Snoke will be quite pleased by your efforts, General Hux."

His lips twitched up in a small smirk," Thank you, Grand Moff (L/N)."

"If you'll excuse us, Commander Ren, General Hux and I will speak more of this matter. You, on the other hand, have a meeting with Supreme Leader." I walked towards both men, General Hux extending his arm for me to take in which I did, wrapping my arm around his and resting my hand against his bicep under his greatcoat while my other hand held my holopad.

"Yes, Grand Moff. Good evening." Kylo Ren's voice seemed clipped as he turned around and walked out of the command room, his robes billowing behind him

General Hux led me out of the room as well, walking down the long corridors to a private sector of the base- his personal quarters.

I smiled softly when he allowed me to step inside first and when I turned around to face him, I was greeted with his lips, greedily kissing me. I giggled softly, wrapping my arms around his neck and standing up on my tip toes to kiss him properly.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me protectively in his grasp," When is there a moment that you don't try to humiliate me in front of Ren?" He tried to sound annoyed but the small smile tugging at his lips said otherwise

"I can't praise you for your efforts all the time, Hux.l I smiled as I played with the strands of his fiery ginger hair at the base of his neck," I missed you."

"I missed you too." He admitted, kissing the top of my head as he led me to his living room, he laying on the large couch and I laying between his legs, our holopads in our hands with my back pressed against his front," I must admit, when you told me that you would be joining us on Lothal, I was glad that I wouldn't have to be the only one dealing with that insipid Ren."

I laughed as I pulled up my holopad, looking over the expanse of the city once again," I truly feel sorry for you having to struggle with Commander Ren every day."

"I've gotten used to it. He just infuriates me any moment that he can. Thankfully, I have you as my distraction." He hummed, rubbing my side with one of his hands while the other was holding up his own holopad, looking through the reports sent to him

"I'll be with you and Commander Ren for a while, Hux. A few months the least. Supreme Leader wants to make sure we have no more interruptions from the Rebels from our plans. He trusted me to be alongside you and Ren."

"Then I'm glad."

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