{Fights} - Preference

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Anakin - Fights between you two would be common but not too common. He'd get extremely jealous about other men talking to you but once you state that you're annoyed about the way he's talking to other women, he simply blocks you out and say that you're acting like a child. Nonetheless, as soon as the fighting ends and you're about to storm out, he goes to you and holds you in his arms, apologizing for saying all those condescending words to you and you just sigh and hug him back, apologizing as well.

Luke - You hated fighting with Luke. You two were such a sweet couple, no one would suspect that you would fight but you fought over the dumbest of things. Thankfully, because of these little fights, you two would realize your mistakes and apologize for blaming the other. You two knew the other didn't mean any harm when wanting to correct your mistakes.

Obi Wan - You two rarely got into fights since your relationship was pretty easy going and you shared everything with each other. The only things that you probably got angry about was when he'd come home to you and tell you about the missions he'd go to, leaving you for weeks on end. You were at times annoyed that you and Obi Wan only had nights to spend together when he'd have missions that ask so much of him. Nonetheless, you were grateful that when he came home, you were always his first priority.

Poe - You had tiny fights about him and the missions he went on. You cared deeply for him, obviously with how much you loved him, but he had little to no care for what missions he went on. You, on the other hand, were always afraid for him and whenever he would arrive days after he was supposed to be back, you couldn't help but fear the worst. He thought the missions were nothing and that you were overreacting but you didn't think of it like that. It annoyed you but he would kiss you and remind you that he would always come back to you.

Finn - You hated fighting. You were a medic- you were supposed to be sweet, compassionate, caring, and understanding. Whenever you and Finn fought, it felt like something was wrong with the world. With how stupid you thought you were, you would have tears in your eyes and before Finn could continue on his rant about you, he saw this and went to you, hugging you and telling you that it'll be alright.

General Hux - He'd get jealous of how much time you spent with Kylo Ren and blame you for things you had no influence over. It would annoy you because your boyfriend got on your case about everything but you wouldn't have the patience to argue with him. Instead, you'd have him continue screaming at you as you got ready for bed and once you were under the covers you'd look at him expectantly and he'd grumble under his breath but go to you with the smallest of smiles.

Kylo Ren - Your fights were every other night or if it was a good week, at least two days. He found one way or another to blame you for his failures which annoyed you. He had no right to say that it was your fault that he's been so unfocused lately. When you'd tell him that you were over your relationship, not wanting to be with someone who blamed you for his mistakes, he'd go to you and hold you tightly in his grasp. He wouldn't say anything but you understood pretty well when he'd kiss the top of your head and hold you to him as if his life depended on it.

Kanan - Your fights would probably be because he's still adjusting to his new 'disability'. He'd be bitter and be shouting at you for things that you couldn't control and you'd shout at him back because you hated being screamed at for no reason. Nonetheless, the fighting would end soon because you'd go to him and kiss him hard, making him quiet down and have all his anger seep out. You knew he was just afraid and had all his emotions bottled up to keep a calm exterior for everyone.

Ezra - You'd probably just fight over him not understanding the severity of his actions. He'd get mad, telling you that he just wants to protect you and your friends while you tried reasoning with him that this was only leading him closer and closer to the dark side and although you were grateful for what he tried to do, you only wanted what was best for him. He'd storm out and you'd sigh, laying on your bed, waiting for him to come back. When he does hours later, he goes to you and holds you in his arms, whispering to you how sorry he was.

Captain Rex - You two never really did fight. You found no reason to. He was your anchor to the world and whenever anything would lead to a fight, he'd quickly apologize, even if it wasn't his fault, and he'd constantly remind you of how much he loved you. Whenever there was even the slightest raise of a voice, Rex would stop and hold you in his arms. You'd smile and lean up to kiss his cheek, whispering to him that you loved him.

Han Solo - Your fights would be about him and other women. You didn't understand why you were dating him if he was always going off and flirting with other women, charming them. Saying that it annoyed you was saying the least. Why were you in a relationship with him if his main focus in his life was getting girls in bed. He would shout at you at how ridiculous you were and you two would fight throughout the night until you grew tired and just stopped. He would see this and go to you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your temple, reminding you over and over again that he loved you more than anyone in the world and that that wouldn't change.

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