{Love} - Anakin Skywalker

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Word count : 1140 words

I felt it coming. I didn't know and couldn't understand why or how this was possible but I felt it. I knew Palpatine was no good but Anakin would ignore me whenever I tried talking to him about the older man so I stopped.

I loved Anakin and I knew he was frustrated over the Jedi council not letting him in on things, keeping secrets from him, and especially not letting him have a seat on the council. He ranted to me about it whenever he came home and I laid there with my head on his chest, listening to all of his problems. I was there for him through everything, consoling him and relaxing him.

At the end of the night, Anakin would whisper to me about no matter how hard his work life was, he was glad he would always have me by his side. He'd have his hand on my large belly, carrying our child, and he'd remind me that he's so proud to call me his wife and the mother to our growing child.

I knew he was sincere about all of this. I knew he loved me. I knew he was proud to have me. I knew that he knew that I would always be there for him. But I didn't know anything about his feelings. He always avoided sharing them with me, which would sometimes annoy me. After all, we are married and having a child, he should know that he could trust me with anything.

Then again, he did know. He was just going through an extremely rough patch in his life and it went to an extent.

When I heard that the Jedi temple had been attacked, my first thought was Anakin. Had he been hurt? Or worst, killed? My thoughts had settled when I saw Anakin's speeder pull up to my ledge.

"Ani! I was so worried!" I rushed to him, wrapping my arms around his neck

Anakin sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist in a tight hug," I'm alright, my love. I'm alright."

"I heard that the temple was attacked and I feared the worst! I couldn't bear the thought of losing you!" I whimpered, burying my head in the crook of his neck

He rubbed comforting circles on my sides to calm me down," I'm right here, darling. I will never leave you."

I pulled away and looked up at him with a smile. My husband was back and safe. Anakin smiled back down at me and leaned down to kiss me. I sighed happily into the kiss, holding him closer.

"Step away from her, Anakin." I frowned as I turned around to see Obi Wan standing at the doorway (lmao I'm changing this bc it goes w the plot that I have in my head so don't kill me and be like 'Anakin and Obi Wan didn't have their face off on Coruscant' anyway 😂😂 continuing)

"Obi Wan? What are you doing here?" I said nervously, my hand going to my large belly

"(Y/N), Anakin was the one who attacked the temple. He's killed younglings." Obi Wan told me

I turned around to look up at Anakin, tears brimming my eyes," A-ani? Tell me this isn't true. Please." I whispered

Anakin looked at me then at Obi Wan with his jaw clenching," You should have not intervened, Obi Wan."

"I will not let you continue to hurt the lives of innocent people, Anakin." Obi Wan retaliated and I widened my eyes when I saw Anakin pull out his lightsaber

"You're either with me or against me. If you're against me, I have no choice but to kill you."

"Ani, please. Please don't do this." I tried but I was too scared to go to him

He turned to me with scary golden red eyes," I must do this. I have to save you."

"You're scaring her, Anakin! She's frightened!" Obi Wan shouted at Anakin

Anakin's eyes looked straight into mine and I whimpered nervously, scared of what he would do. Anakin wasn't like this. He never was. This isn't my husband.

With shaking hands, I went to Anakin slowly. He would never be a part of the dark side. I will make sure of it.

I walked until I was right in front of him and I took his hand, putting it on my stomach," That's our child right there, Ani. Can you feel them?" I smiled softly when I felt the baby kick at his hand," They know you're their daddy. They know that their daddy loves them."

Anakin had the smallest of smiles but I saw it so I continued," And I love you, Ani. I don't want to see you get hurt when you go to the dark side. Neither does our child. We love you. Please, be here for us." I whispered, bringing my hands up to cup his cheeks, looking at him with only love," I can't live without you. Our baby can't survive with both of their parents. We both have to care for our child."

"You're going to die in child birth, (Y/N). I can't let that happen. Life has no meaning without you." Anakin whispered, his eyes losing the red in them and filling with sorrow and grief

"If that happens, Ani, then it happens. We cannot change the future. But, it was only a vision so you do not truly know if it will happen or not. Let's take that chance, Ani. Our love makes you stronger, not all this hatred and resentment. You love Obi Wan, you cannot fight a man who has treated you as nothing but his brother. He cares for us and he will protect us."

Anakin's eyes flickered from mine to Obi Wan who was watching us. As their eyes met, Obi Wan nodded as if agreeing with what I was saying.

"Please, Ani. This is your only chance to go back to the light. I will be right by your side as I always have. We will have our child together and you will continue being the greatest Jedi the galaxy knows. You will be loved and thanked for restoring balance to the galaxy. Moreso, you will be loved by me even after death. We will raise our child to be as great as you. Please, do it for me." I whispered

"I've ended the lives of so many innocents.." Anakin whispered, almost to himself before he bursted out crying

I wrapped my arms around him and let him sob on my shoulder," It's alright, my love. It's alright. I'm here. We'll be fine." I repeated, watching as Obi Wan went to us and put his hand on Anakin's shoulder

"We'll be fine." Obi Wan nodded, smiling softly at me as in a thanks

I had my husband back

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