{Spy} - Ezra Bridger

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Word count : 1503 words

"Please, just talk to him, (Y/N). He won't listen to me or anyone else." Kanan sighed

I shook my head,"I can't be your little spy on my boyfriend, Kanan. I'm sorry but, no. Ezra knows right from wrong and I won't manipulate him for your advantage."

"He doesn't know anything about differentiating right and wrong, (Y/N)." Kanan's voice slightly rose but it was still calm, as if he was bottling all of his emotions inside," You don't know what's happening. You need to tell him that-"

"I'm not telling him anything, Kanan. And you're right. I know nothing about what's happening because of course, you, along with everyone else in this crew except for Ezra and Chopper, believe that I'm not capable of knowing anything. This is why I prefer to stay on the base but Ezra insists that I stay in the crew. So if you don't mind, I'd like to have you tell Ezra whatever you want me to tell him."

I walked out of his quarters, hearing him call out (Y/N) wait! but I ignored him, finished talking to him. I groaned when I bumped into someone and I looked up when I saw that it was Ezra.

He smiled warmly and wrapped his arm around my waist to make sure that I wouldn't fall," Are you okay?"

I smiled and nodded," Sorry for bumping into you, Ez. I was on my way to find you, anyway."

Ezra chuckled," You found me." He winked, leading me away and into my room," I saw you coming out of Kanan's room though, what happened?"

"Nothing." I shrugged," He wanted me to tell you something but I told him to tell you himself and then I left." I sat on my bed and he followed after me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders

"You sure? You just seemed a bit upset." He noted, running his fingers through my long hair

I sighed and leaned my head onto his shoulder," Ez, I want to stay on the base for a while. It'll clear my head and I'm obviously more welcomed there than here."

"But I need you here with me." He pouted," Who's going to keep me from killing Chopper all the time?"

I smiled softly and let a laugh fall through," I am a Commander of the Rebellion and one of their most needed pilots, Ez. I need to get back to work. You know that."

Ezra sighed," I know, I'll just miss you, that's all."

"I'll always be there when you come back from your missions." I reassured him, looking up at my boyfriend and smiling when he almost immediately connected our lips together

"Ezra. Training." We pulled away and turned to see Kanan leaning against the doorframe

"Be right there." Ezra answered before turning back to me," Wanna come see?" He gave me a sly grin

I smiled softly and shook my head," I have to go catch up with Captain Rex and Commander Sato on everything's that's been going on. Can't make it to today's practice, love."

He pouted slightly but nodded,"Duty comes first, as always, mi'lady."

I rolled my eyes at him and kissed him once more," I'll see you in a few hours, Ez."

We both walked out alongside each other, following Kanan out of the Ghost," I love you." Ezra said before we parted ways

I smiled fondly," I love you too." I replied
"Are you sure you want to go on this mission?" I pulled Ezra away after the briefing, watching as everyone else filed out

"Yes, (Y/N), I'll be fine." Ezra smiled, kissing my forehead," When am I not?" I raised my eyebrow," Okay, I know I'm not fine a lot of times but, have faith in me. I'll come back to you in one piece."

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