{Help} - Finn

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Word count : 1037 words

I sighed softly as I looked around the desolate room. I was held prisoner on the Star Killer Base in which Kylo Ren had tried forcefully taking information out of me about the Resistance.

I tried pulling at my restraints for the hundredth time and groaned when I saw that they wouldn't budge. I wanted to be home with the other Resistance fighters. I hated being in captivity. I wanted to be fighting and be out and about.

I sighed and bowed my head down. If I had been quicker to board my ship, I wouldn't be in this position. Nonetheless, I had been able to save Finn from being caught.

Finn- the former stormtrooper that I was madly in love with but I never had the guts to tell him. The man that I would probably never be able to tell him if I didn't make it out of here. It wasn't like I would actually tell him. It seemed like he didn't feel the same way about me anyway.

I heard the door open and I looked up to see Kylo Ren himself walk towards me with two stormtroopers behind him.

I rolled my eyes," Aren't you tired enough to try and get me to talk?"

"I've only kept you alive this long because my master wants the information that you have." The man behind the mask said

"I guess that's all you serve as- a bratty messenger boy." I smirked

I screamed in pain as I was zapped by the restraints on my wrists and ankles. I needed to know when to keep my snarky moments to myself. At least for the time being. This was such a horrible feeling and my energy sapped out every time it happened.

I panted when it stopped and I hung my head low, trying to regain my strength.

Kylo Ren chuckled," I hope you become more willing when I return." He turned around and left the room as the two stormtroopers stayed here.

I had a pounding headache snd it hurt everywhere. I hoped he didn't come soon. This was far too much torture, especially for only one person.

I held my head up to see the two stormtroopers. If only I was a cool Jedi that could do that mind trick on them. I would be out of here so quickly. I sighed as I looked back down. I was going to die here. I doubted anyone realized I was gone.

"I think Commander Jens told me that needs you by the hangar." One of the stormtroopers said to the other

"He didn't tell me anything."

"You really want to question him?"

"Alright, that's true. I'll be back soon."

One of the stormtroopers left and the other chuckled," That was far too easy."

I looked at him, frowning," What was? Who are you?"

"Oh, sorry, (Y/N)." He laughed and he took his helmet off to reveal that it was Finn

I widened my eyes," F-Finn?!" He was here? It couldn't be possible

Finn smiled at me," The one and only. I'm your knight in shining armor." He laughed as he took the bonds off

I fell down but he picked me up in his arms before I could hit the floor," Can you stand? We have to do this quickly before anyone notices that I've smuggled you off the base."

I nodded as he helped me up," Y-yeah. Do you have a plan or do I have to save your ass in the end?" I smirked

Finn rolled his eyes," I have a plan. I just don't know if it'll work."

I shook my head," Let's just go you dork." I smiled up at him

He laughed, cuffed my hands and put his helmet back on, leading me out with him only inches behind me with the gun against my chest. I almost basked in the happiness of him being so close to me but I tried pushing it away and acting serious, we had to get out of here.

If anyone asked, he would say that it was a 'prisoner transfer' and I'd make another snarky remark back at him which would make him push me forward to continue walking.

We arrived at the ship he was taking me away on," I hope no one notices anything." He whispered as we walked up into the ship and he moved away from me, taking the cuffs off

"They haven't. Now, if you quit your worrying, I've got to fly us out of here." I smirked as I went to the pilot seat and began steering the ship out of the compartment

"They're noticing.." Finn's voice turned into a slightly panicked one

"I need a couple minutes before we make our jump to hyperspace. Hold them off." I told him, trying to get everything in order


"With the cannons, you nitwit." I groaned, shaking my head. Even I questioned sometimes why I was so in love with him

"Oh, right, sorry." He smiled at me apologetically before rushing down to take the cannons

I sighed but smiled at his cluelessness. I smirked softly as I saw that we were just about ready for the jump to hyperspace and we were moving away from the base.

"When are we making the jump, (Y/N)?!" Finn shouted from the back

"You yelling at me isn't going to help us!" I shouted back, shaking my head

"Can't hold them off much longer, you know!"

"We're making the jump now!" I pulled the lever (this is such a random thing to say but when I wrote that I just thought about the Emperors New Groove and 'pull the lever Kronk' oml I'm such a mess okay anyway continuing)

Finn laughed," We're alive!" I turned around to see him grinning at me as he came towards me

I widened my eyes when he wrapped his arms around me and leaned down to kiss me happily. I then eased my tension and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I saved you today." Finn smiled as he pulled away and pressed our foreheads together

"I saved you too." I giggled, looking up at him with such joy

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