{Hiding} - (Pt.1) - Ezra Bridger

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Word count : 1294 words

I sighed as I got up from my spot on the dirty ground which I had learned to call home. It wasn't much and it never would be anyhow. I had just a blanket and a brick as my bed and things that I stole from the market along with me. I had managed to stay away from the Empire for so many years, it amazed me.

I pulled my long hair up in a bun and patting off the dust on my leather jacket with my torn black v neck shirt under it, black leggings under a pair of beige shorts, and black boots. I had been forced to discard of my robes years ago and I missed them so much. I missed how much simpler times would be. I didn't even remember who I really was anymore. I was just a memory.

I stepped out of the shadows of the abandoned building I lived in and set out to the market. I was extremely hungry yet I felt a part of me telling me not to. I rolled my eyes at myself, my growling stomach telling me otherwise.

The market it is then.

Whenever I spotted a stormtrooper around, I bowed my head down or tried to seem as if I was extremely interested in something. If they ever caught me, I would never see the light of day ever again. I would ruin any reason I had gone into hiding all these years.

I would be a failure. To my parents and everyone else.

I hummed as I walked through the market, smirking softly as my eyes landed on a crate of meilorun fruit. It was so rare finding the fruit, much less a whole crate of it, on Lothal. I bit my lip as I went towards it and grabbed one of the fruit, smirking to myself as I saw that no one was around to see.

I took a bite into the meilorun fruit, sighing happily at the heavenly taste. I began walking down further into the market as I ate the stolen fruit eagerly.

"Watch out!" I turned my head and widened my eyes at the five speeders coming my way. Well, not exactly my way. I was more in their path but still- I was staring at them with wide eyes.

The boy jumped off of the speeder and pushed me out of the way while two stormtroopers followed after the Lasat. The third stormtrooper stopped to attack the boy.

That feeling. I hadn't felt it in so long..

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" The boy looked at me as he took my hand and began running out of the marketplace

"Actually, no. I was trying to enjoy my meilorun until you decided to almost run me over." I had snapped out of my shocked state quickly when we left the market with the stormtrooper in pursuit

"Then I guess there's no thank you for saving your life." The boy who was handsome looked over and gave me a sly grin

I rolled my eyes," You almost ended my life." I told him, shaking my head

The boy laughed and turned a corner," Zeb should be-"

"Watch out!" I widened my eyes as I used the Force to throw the stormtrooper against the wall which caused him to break enough bones that made even me wince

The boy turned his head to see what I had done," What..? How?" He looked over at me with big eyes

"I saved your life too, I guess." I shrugged and took another bite out of my fruit

"You used the force!" The boy practically shouted

I shook my head and shook my head," I don't know what you're talking about."

I knew exactly what he was talking about but I wasn't ready to endanger the lives of others. I couldn't deal with that.

"Okay, well... Zeb should be here in a bit, if he managed to take care of those troopers." The boy said, understanding that I was not going to answer his suppositions

"Zeb? You mean that Lasat that the other stormtroopers were going after? You must be that rebel group that I've heard so much about."

The boy laughed and nodded," Yes we are, darling. I'd-"

"Kid! We've got to go! Hera's gonna kill us!" The Lasat appeared by the secluded alleyway

The boy turned to the Lasat," Can we take her too? It's really important."

I frowned at him," I never agreed to this.."

"Please? I can tell you're living on the streets. At least have a shower on our ship. We won't kidnap you, I promise." The boy gave me pleading eyes and a pout on his lips which made me melt and give in

"Whatever, lets just go. Can't have more of the Empire find out we're here. We got the cargo so now we've got to leave." The Lasat complained

The boy shook his head and got behind the Lasat before helping me onto the speeder. I wrinkled my nose at the horrible stench the Lasat gave off and the boy turned around, laughing

"You get used to it." He reassured me

"I'm the one that needs a shower?" I raised my eyebrow and giggled when the boy laughed

"Careful before I throw you two off of this speeder." The Lasat growled as he sped off and away from town

"What's your name?" The boy asked, breaking the silence

I hesitated for a moment. I could trust these two, right? I mean, we had just met but they were rebels- against the Empire. If anyone was against the Empire, I trusted them.

"(Y/N).." I said softly, not having remembered the last time I had used my real name

The boy looked back at me and smiled," A beautiful name for a gorgeous girl." He winked

I blushed and looked away. He thought I was gorgeous? It made butterflies flutter in my stomach but I willed them away. I could not feel this type of way.

"I'm Ezra Bridger and that's Zeb. It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)."

I looked back at him and smiled shyly, nodding before looking up at the large ship that stood on the open field.

We got off the speeder as Zeb stopped it and I helped them load the cargo up into the ship.

"What took you guys so long? Who's this?"

I frowned softly at the familiar voice of someone I had once known. I turned around and widened my eyes," Caleb?"

The tall man took a moment to realize who I was before his eyes were as big as mine," (Y/N)?"

"You two know each other?" Ezra's voice sounded as if it had a twinge of jealousy in it

I rushed to Caleb and hugged him tightly which he returned," I thought you were gone for good." He whispered

"I did too." I whispered back

We pulled away before looking over at Ezra and Zeb who were confused at what was going on. I bit my lip as I looked over at Caleb who mouthed the word 'Kanan' as if to say that was what he went by now. I smiled and nodded.

"I brought her here cause she seemed to be force sensitive, Kanan. She used the force to save me." Ezra smiled over at me at which I smiled back

" She's not just force sensitive, Ezra. She's a Jedi." Kanan smiled at me

I smiled shyly and took out my lightsaber from under my jacket, looking at my weapon which had been with me since I was just a little girl. My lightsaber was my life.

"Guess you failed to mention that to me." Ezra shook his head

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