{What he loves about you} - Preference

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Anakin - He loves your eyes. They express every and any emotion that you're experiencing so if you ever choose to not tell him anything, he'd most likely tilt your chin so that he could look into your eyes to know what was wrong. He loves how bright and shiny your eyes would be whenever you were extremely happy but also when your eyes would turn dull and the gleam in them would go away whenever you felt down.

Luke - He loves your hair. He loves watching the many ways you style it and how effortlessly you do it. There would be times that you had your hair down and you'd be annoyed with it always getting it in your face so you'd get a hair tie and pull it back in a half done ponytail in just a few seconds at which he'd just smile so fondly at. When you two laid in bed, he loved running his fingers through your soft hair as a sort of comfort for both of you.

Obi Wan - He adores your lips. He loves watching them curl up into all of your beautiful smiles and into that one smile that you would reserve for only him. He loves kissing them, reminding himself that only he got to kiss them. He loves watching them pout which always meant he would give in and you'd get your way.

Poe - He loves your determination. Once you set your mind to something, it was very unlikely that you'd change your mind. He loves how set you are to the task at hand and made sure to follow it through without someone telling you to stop.

Finn - He loves your laugh. It's a bit cheesy to be honest but it was his favorite sound, next to your voice. Whenever he made you laugh whenever he said something relatively funny or an extremely corny phrase, you'd burst out laughing which made him proud of himself

General Hux - He loves how hard working you are. You made yourself busy as you worked on the base. After all, you hadn't become a General to be just sitting around all day. He loved watching you rush around with papers and blueprints in your hands, never taking a time to rest until your shift was over.

Kylo Ren - He loves your cooling aura. He was in a bad temper almost all the time whenever you weren't there. He was angry at himself, Snoke, Hux, and others many times. The only way that could calm him down would be if you would be there. Just by your presence, he'd mentally melt away all his anger and frustration. You'd probably reach up in your tip toes to hug him tightly in your arms, reminding him that you were there whenever he needed you.

Kanan - He loves how you're always there for him. You two have been together for years, relying on one another for survival and protection from the Empire before you found your family of Zeb, Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper. You had been there for him when he was lost and afraid about what had happened to his late Master and you're there now, helping him with his new obstacle in his life. You were there and you will always be there for him no matter what.

Ezra - He loves how understanding you are. Your poor boyfriend had been going through so many different thoughts in his mind ever since Maul had tried seducing him to the dark side. Furthermore, you would catch him at times looking at that Sith holocraun and he'd try apologizing to you but you wouldn't care. You knew he was doing it for the greater good and to protect you and your friends. You never judged him because you knew if you did, he would have no one to turn to and that would be the moment he would truly turn to the Dark side.

Captain Rex - He loves how compassionate you are. With you being a Jedi, you accompanied him and your Master, Anakin Skywalker, on many missions in the Clone Wars and you'd see the destruction the war caused on the poor inhabitants. After the battles would be over, you'd make sure to check with every one of the wounded and Rex would watch you with a fond smile.

Han Solo - He loves your body, as inappropriate as it sounds. He loved mornings after being intimate, waking up to your naked body beside him with your head on his chest and your arm across his torso. He'd run his fingers up and down your bare back, always loving how smooth you were against his touch.

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