{Therapy} - Stormpilot

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I just randomly wrote this bc I love stormpilot aka my space boyfriends

Word count : 1247 words

Finn sighed softly as he turned his head in a circle, humming in satisfaction when he heard the cracks of the sore bones. He looked around the small room that he had finally grown accustomed to after many months of living in it.

It was simple- a bathroom on the far left, a dresser, a queen sized bed, a bedside table with a clock telling the time on it. Nothing too personalized if the First Order, by chance, would find the base and the Rebellion forces would have to evacuate.

The room was also littered with Finn's roommate's clothes, strewn across the floor as if they were a part of the ground. Finn rolled his eyes at that. He was the more organized one between his roommate and himself. Broken helmets were thrown at one side. Torn pilot outfits, pants, shirts made up most of the mess.

Finn shook his head and got up off the bed to clean up the mess. He went to the nearest pile and bent down to reach at them, groaning lowly at the jabbing pain that came from his back.

He had slowly recovered from the injury he had sustained from his battle with the monstrous Kylo Ren but he still had the pain. It would subside much more quickly if he went to the physical therapy, as the doctors say, but he chose against it. It was already embarrassing enough for having had such a humiliating defeat and had been in a coma for such a long time.

He didn't want to be viewed as a charity case. The First Order branded into his mind that you were alone to survive. He had already been seen as weak by the First Order, he didn't want the same from the Rebellion.

He continued on with picking up the dirty clothes, making a mental note of which to wash and which to throw away. Ignoring the pains, Finn finished by grabbing the helmets and putting them under the bed, knowing his roommate had an attachment to his helmets, wanting to keep them as memoirs.

Finn looked at the clock and sighed softly when he say that it was 12:01. He was going to be late for the meeting. He dropped the clothes in the hamper and grabbed his jacket, speed walking out of his room.

He passed by officers and pilots, medics and mechanics, until he reached the central command room, taking a moment to regain his posture before walking inside. With two minutes to spare, Finn around the large round table, looking around at the faces he had become familiar with during the few months that he had been on D'Qar.

"The First Order is blocking trade-"

The officer who was giving the presentation, Officer Jerkins, had been cut off from the door sliding open and a tall, tanned man walking in with a sheepish smile. Finn shook his head as he realized the man was his roommate, Poe Dameron.

"Late again, Dameron." Jerkins stated, seeming a bit miffed that she was interrupted from her speech.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Wont happen again." He flashed her an almost sincere smile as he waded through the small crowd of officials to stand beside Finn.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Mr. Dameron." The officer continued with her speech

Finn stifled a snicker and Poe playfully jabbed at his side," You're not making the situation any better." Poe pretended to be annoyed at the dark skinned man but couldn't stop the growing smile on his face.

"You're always late, Poe. I don't know why you even bother with apologies." Finn looked over at the older man and a blush creeped up on his cheeks to see that Poe was staring so intently at him.

Poe gave Finn the exact same look as they left the command room after the meeting was over.

"Were you even paying attention to the meeting, Poe?" Finn looked over at the tan man who flashed him a sly grin.

"I can multitask, buddy. You have to give me some credit here. Who wouldn't want to be looking at someone like you?" That made Finn blush brightly and look away from Poe, down to the ground to avoid any eye contact between them.

Poe chuckled fondly, reaching over to take Finn's hand in his, lacing their fingers together. He brought Finn's hand up and pressed a kiss to the back of it," You know, after three months of dating, I would have thought that you'd start taking all the compliments I give you."

That just made Finn blush harder," You're just so sweet and loving."

"Thank you." Poe grinned as they continued walking through the base and to their room,"How was your day, love?"

"Nice. I cleaned the mess that you made."

Poe gave him a mocking hurt expression," You're hurting my feelings, buddy."

Finn rolled his eyes and smiled at the older man as they walked into their quarters," How long are you going to be out for this mission?" He asked, watching as Poe walked off and discarded his layers of clothing under his pilot outfit.

Finn crinkled his nose slightly in distress at the new mess but didn't make any comment about it. Although he hated disorganization, he found it endearing deep down. It was a small part of Poe that Finn adored, amongst other things.

"A week, maybe two." Poe hummed as he stripped down to his boxer briefs before turning back to Finn who had a bright blush on his cheeks at which Poe smirked at," Are you going to miss me?"

Finn refrained from rolling his eyes at Poe's baby voice and blushed once again," I always do when you leave."

Poe smiled fondly and walked over to Finn, wrapping his arms around the younger man's body," I always come back to you, buddy." He reassured Finn, pressing kisses along his jaw

Finn smiled softly and nodded," I know you do, I just never get to go on anything."

"The General is just worried for you, Finn." Poe chuckled as he went over to his dresser and grabbed a new set of clothes to wear,"She wants you to go to therapy."

"I don't need therapy." Finn shook his head and rolled his eyes as he leaned down to pick up Poe's dirty clothes, groaning lowly at the sharp jab of pain that went up his spine

Hoping that Poe didn't hear that, Finn got up and avoided the older man's gaze as he put the dirty clothes with the others that he was planning to wash.

"You can't keep torturing yourself like this, Finn." Poe sighed,"Why don't you want to go to therapy?"

"I don't need it." Finn shot back then bit his lip nervously at the angry tone he had had and the fall of Poe's face,"I'm sorry."

"Just get the help you need, buddy." Poe tried for a smile, walking over to Finn once again and kissing his cheek,"When I'm gone, do therapy. That way, you won't miss me as much and you'll help your body. If you don't like it, then you can stop when I come back. Is that a deal?"

Finn let the proposition roll around in his mind for a few moments as Poe patiently waited with a soft smile before nodding slowly," I'll try it. Only for you."

"I appreciate it." Poe grinned before planting a loving kiss on Finn's lips

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