{Don't} - Kylo Ren

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Word count : 682 words

I sighed happily as I cuddled closer to my boyfriend, not opening my eyes yet. He chuckled softly and wrapped an arm around me, kissing my forehead lovingly.

I loved our mornings together. Kylo was always so gentle and sweet with how sleepy he was. It made me proud that I was the only one that could ever see him at this state.

"Good morning, beautiful." He murmured

I smiled softly as I opened my eyes to look up at him," Good morning, handsome."

He smiled tiredly," I wish we could stay like this for longer." He caressed my cheek softly

"We could.." I hinted, giggling

He chuckled and shook his head," I must maintain my personality, (Y/N). I have meetings to attend to today."

I pouted but nodded. He had to work and I had to work as well. I didn't get the title of General for just laying around in bed all day.

Kylo smiled fondly and brought my chin up to kiss me sweetly," I'll see you later on today?"

"Yes, darling. Will you join me in the shower?" I smiled

He smirked," Of course, my love." He got up and led me to the bathroom

After showering and getting ready, we shared one last kiss together before parting ways.

I fixed my uniform as I entered my office, smiling softly at its simplicity. It was my favorite room apart from Kylo's bedroom.

I went to go sit at my desk and hummed softly, opening up my laptop to begin my work.

A few hours later, when I was planning out my battle strategies for the next attack, I had been called down to General Hux's office. I sighed softly as I stood up and left my office to go to Hux's.

"You called for me, General Hux?" I asked as I entered the room

He looked up from his paperwork and smirked softly when he looked at me," Oh, yes, (Y/N). I'd like your intel on a few things."

"You couldn't send it in your device?" I raised my eyebrow

Hux chuckled softly as he stood up," I prefer having you here so that we could make changes together."

"Alright..." I nodded slowly as I walked towards him

Hux smirked as I neared him and began with the list of propositions. I frowned when I felt him come closer to me, invading my personal space so I moved away from him, maintaining a safe distance.

"Are you sure you only called me in here to speak to me about prepositions, General Hux?"

"Would you like it to be only about them?" He smirked softly, walking closer to me

"I'd rather much keep it work related, General." I told him and bit my lip nervously when he cornered me against the wall

"You're far too gorgeous to be with someone like Ren, (Y/N)." He smirked as he caressed my cheek

I clenched my jaw and flinched away from his hand," Don't touch me. You have no right to tell me who I can or cannot have a relationship with."

Hux chuckled and shook his head," Why be with Ren when you could have me?"

"Don't you dare get anywhere closer to her." I heard Kylo and I turned my head, relieved to see my boyfriend there

Using the force, he threw Hux across the room and I rushed to him, not wanting to be in Hux's office any longer.

I took Kylo's hand in mine and he led me away to our bedroom," Did he try anything?" He asked as he closed the door and took off his mask

I shook my head," No, darling. I'm fine. You came in on time."

He looked over my face in worry but I gave him a reassuring smile and leaned up on my tip toes to give him a sweet kiss.

"I'm okay, Ky. I'm okay." I promised him

He sighed softly and nodded, leaning in for another kiss. I smiled and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck as he held me close to him.

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