{Fall} - (Pt.1 ) - Obi Wan

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This one is kinda short but I'm doing a second part that would be longer so bless

Word count: 518 words

Falling. That's all I remember. A very long fall.

"Are you sure, General?" The medic, Kix, asked as two others were examining me. They all looked the same yet I knew who they were. The other two were Langer and Paul.

"Yes. I- I don't know what happened, honestly."

"Do you know what your name is? Your status?" He asked

"General (Y/N) (Y/L/N) of the 634th Legion of the Republic Army." I told him. Kix looked straight in my eyes and I frowned at him," What is it?"

"Do you remember anything before the fall?"

"I was in my ship I think. Getting chased by two Separatist ships?"

Kix nodded," I'll tell General Kenobi to come ask you some more questions but you seem almost perfectly fine."

"General who?" I frowned

"You don't remember General Kenobi? Obi Wan Kenobi?" Langer asked

"I've never heard that name before." I said, looking at them strangely

"Uh General.. you two were leading the battalion against the Separatists here on Felucia..." Paul said politely

"Just lay down, General. I'll be back." Kix told me and I nodded, resting my head against the headboard

Kix left and returned minutes later with a man behind him. The clones left and I watched the man closely, trying to remember who he was but my mind was blank.

"(Y/N)... do you know who I am?" He had an accent which seemed to fit perfectly with his whole appearance

"Who are you?" The smile on his face melted off and I felt so sorry for the man

"I'm Obi Wan Kenobi. You always call me Ben." He walked closer to me yet kept his distance

I watched him walk until he reached my bedside. He had dirty blonde hair and a beard that fit his face well. His blue eyes were bright yet were full of worry which I guessed was for me.

"I'm your-"

He was cut off by another man walking in yet I knew who he was. Anakin Skywalker.

"Master, you asked for me?" Anakin asked Obi Wan then looked over at me," (Y/N)? You're awake." He smiled widely

"She has amnesia, Anakin." Obi Wan sounded almost broken when he said it and I looked up at him once again, seeing his blue eyes losing the brightness

"I know who he is." I told him," That's Anakin Skywalker. He was with me fighting off the droids."

Anakin smiled and nodded, walking over to me," So you remember me?"

"Yes, I do. I just... not him." I looked over at Obi Wan who gave me a sad smile

"Is there anything you remember about Obi Wan?" Anakin tried but I shook my head

"Paul told me that we were leading the battalion together?" I looked up at Obi Wan

He nodded," I was leading the ground attack and you and Anakin were leading the areal attack. You were coming down to help the ground attack but you were hit by a Separatist ship."

"It's a wonder how I'm still alive then." I gave a small smile and they chuckled, nodding

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