{Yes} - Poe

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Word count : 1326 words

I smiled and laughed as I talked with Finn and Rey, hearing another one of their ridiculous stories. They had the weirdest stories to tell and I was happy to listen to them yet I would keep my eye out for my boyfriend.

Poe had left on a mission thirteen days ago and should have come back four days ago. Nonetheless, Leia had advised me to wait a few more days before we send our a search party for him. Even if she tried helping me, I couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling I had for him. I worried if something bad had happened to him.

I tuned back in to the story Rey was telling me of her most recent mission in a First Order base in Tatooine and I laughed at the hilarious moments.

I watched how Finn watched her with such a fond look on his face. Poe and I always tried to make the two admit their feelings for each other but they were so stubborn in saying that there was no feelings shared.

I smiled softly, my mind trailing back to Poe. My handsome man of five years who's sole focus was to protect those in need and those who he cared deeply about. I missed him dearly but I just hoped he was alright.

"Hey, I'll be at the medical bay to see if any of my patients need me, alright guys? I don't think you're going to miss me too much with how much you'd be kissing." I smirked and winked as I got up

Rey rolled her eyes but she and Finn were blushing madly," That doesn't happen."

"I know it's going to happen soon." My smirk widened before walking off

I was a medic of the Resistance and if my mind troubled me, I would always come to the medical bay to clear it. I shouldn't worry about Poe. He knew how to take care of himself really well.

I smiled softly as I tended to my patients and their wounds, talking to them about the news that was circling around the base. I knew they hated staying on the beds until their full recovery but it was essential for their well beings.

I was too busy with one patient when I failed to hear about the new pilot that just arrived. It was probably just another one of those who came on time from their mission. I smiled at my patient as we talked and I tended to her leg wound

I sighed softly," He's just been gone for so long and there have been no messages from him on his com link. It's extremely stressful for me."

She smiled at me with a knowing face," The boy loves you too much to just leave you without saying anything, (Y/N)."

Everyone knew about Poe and I since my boyfriend made it extremely clear that I was only his and he loved me very much. I was always embarrassed whenever he made these extremely public gestures but it was extremely endearing of him to do them. He always put me first no matter what which made me swoon over with how much he truly loved me as much as I loved him.

I blushed when she said this," I suppose you're right. I just hope he's alright."

"(Y/N)! A new wounded just entered the bay. I was told to find you." One of the nurses came in, smiling at me shyly

I smiled and nodded," Alright. I'll be back later to check on your leg. Rest." I told my patient who rolled her eyes and laughed but nodded before I left with the nurse," Who is it?" I smiled at the girl beside me that looked like she was not much younger than I was

"I don't know, really. I just came in for my shift and they called me in to cone get you." She smiled at me sheepishly

I smiled and shook my head," It's fine, don't worry. I wonder why-"

I stopped when I looked at the person on the bed," Poe?" I widened my eyes

The man turned his head to me when he heard me say his name and his lips broke out in a grin," There's my beautiful ray of sunshine."

I then glared at him and went to get his chart to check out what was wrong with him if he had to come here. He was gone for almost a week after he was supposed to return with no communication whatsoever and he expected that I wouldn't be at least a little bit mad

"You took a blaster to the abdomen?" I asked simply, going over to get my stethoscope to begin my examination

Poe watched me as I neared him and then wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into the bed with him with a smirk at how easily he could take me.

"I know I was gone for a while without communication-"

"A while?" I fumed," It's a week since you should have come back! You had me worried sick without hearing any word from you! I was about to venture the galaxy to find out where the hell you were! And don't even-"

I was cut off by him pressing our lips together in a passionate kiss. With that, all my bottled up anger and emotions seeped away as I sighed against his lips and kissed him back

" I'm sorry." Poe smiled at me apologetically, kissing my temple as he pulled away

I pouted," You know I hate it when you do that." He chuckled and nodded," It's okay. I shouldn't be angry. You got a blaster to your abdomen, that's enough of an excuse. I'll get you fixed up."

Poe smiled and leaned in to kiss me," There's a reason why I took so long to come back."

"Why?" I smiled as I had one hand caressing his cheek and the other running my fingers through his hair, glad that he was finally here with me

Poe reached into his pocket to take out a gorgeous ring," Marry me." He smiled widely

I blinked, my eyes on the ring," What?" I said, dumbfounded

Poe laughed," Marry me, (Y/N). I love you and I've been in love with you for the five years of our relationship. I want to make an official promise that I'll always be with you no matter what happens. That I'll always come back to you and love you with all of my soul."

I looked away from the ring and to him when he spoke. Tears brimmed my eyes and I let out a sob, going to wrap my arms around his neck, hugging myself to him as I spewed out yes yes yes and I love you so much

He winced slightly and I widened my eyes," S-sorry, darling." I pulled away," Yes, I'll marry you." I nodded, wiping away my tears

Poe grinned as he put the ring on my finger and I looked at it momentarily before he pulled me in for a kiss. I giggled into the kiss, kissing him back with as much love and passion

"Future Mrs.(Y/N) Dameron." Poe grinned as we pulled away together

"I love the sound of it." I giggled as I kissed his cheek lovingly

A/N: hi guys! first of all over 200 views already? I'm so nanfjsjdjwkdkskjs thank you so so so much its been a couple days of me doing this so I'm so happy and so so so thankful omggg
Anyway, I know I update daily bUT my wifi was being such a hoe and it just killed me and when I got back from dinner I took a "nap" from 6 to 11 and now it's almost 1 am so just kms ugh anyway I hope you guys have had or are having a great day I love you 💖

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