{Whatever} - Luke Skywalker

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requested by @KarleighGayle

10. "Oh my arseing God in a box."

Word count : 1162 words

"(Y/n), what the hell are you doing?!"

I shook my head and continued swerving out of the way of the blasters,"Just trust me, Rogue Leader. I know what I'm doing."

"I'm not trusting you when what you're doing can get you killed!" Luke exclaimed, anger and worry high with him.

I ignored him and took down two of the imperial cannons, smirking softly as they exploded behind me while I continued flying. My eyes were set on my target- the main power generator. If I had an accurate enough shot, I'd be able to disable all the cannons and give them enough time to destroy the Death Star.

"Rogue Four, respond!" Luke growled angrily

"Continue with your course, Rogue Leader. I'm going to give you your opening. You'll only have minutes before the Empire's reinforcements arrive."

"Oh my arseing God in a box." Luke groaned," You never listen to me, (y/n)!"

I smirked softly," Now where's the fun when I'd be forced to listen to you all the time, Rogue Leader?"

"Why do I get the feeling that I'm not going to like what you're going to do, (y/n)?" He sighed

I just laughed and shot at a TIE fighter that tried to cut me off," Just stick with the plan. I've got this."

"We'll keep you covered, Rogue Leader." Wedge Antilles, one of the other members on the team, announced

"Alright. You better know what you're doing, Rogue Four." Luke sighed and I grinned to myself

"Drinks are on me when we get home, you guys." I said, smirking softly when my target was nearing. I laughed when I heard the cheers of my fellow pilots.

I heard Luke giving the others orders but I ignored them, my eyes set on the target. I only had one shot, not to mention the cannons that were narrowly missing me. I pushed the negativity out of my mind. I could do this. There was no reason to be afraid.

I looked down at my monitor, smiling softly when I saw my target in position and concentrated all my firepower on it. I grinned when it caused a disruption, causing the cannons to be disabled, at least for a little while. Nonetheless, it also triggered an explosion that caused me to lose power for a few moments.

"Luke.." I coughed, swatting away at the smoke that was beginning to build

"Talk to me, Rogue Four." He replied, grunting as if he had missed a blast

I rewired the power to my x wing and smiled slightly, beginning to fly away from the minor explosion," You have your opening, Rogue Leader. Better destroy the Death Star before we're out of time."

"Get back in position, Rogue Four. We'll need as much cover as possible."

"Copy that, Rogue Leader." I clenched my jaw, realizing that my engine was close to being on the verge of failing, possibly because of the explosion, but I said nothing, knowing that my ship would be able to sustain at least the ride home

I blasted at TIE fighters that came our way, grinning victoriously. I paid no mind to my injuries that I had sustained from the explosion, they were probably just minor things and I couldn't afford to be distracted on the battlefield. I watched as Luke blasted at the thermal exhaust port with the two torpedoes and I grinned as they successfully got in.

"Let's go home, you guys." I heard Luke say as I watched the Death Star slowly destroy itself, portion by portion.

"I'm ready for our drinks." Wedge agreed and I laughed tiredly as we followed the rest of the fleet into hyperspace

I sighed happily once my x wing touched down on the ground in our base on the icy planet of Hoth. I winced slightly, finally taking notice of my injuries. I sustained burns, for some reason even if I was in my ship, and I had dried blood from a cut on my forehead. Nonetheless, I managed to get out of my ship and down on the ground.

Thankfully, it seemed as if my wounds didn't show as my team grinned at me and went around hugging each other. A mechanic came up to start examining my ship and he widened his eyes.

"How did you manage to fly this thing back?" He looked at me, obviously surprised

I frowned,"What do you mean, Hansel?"

"Had you put any more strain on the engine, the whole ship would have been blown to bits." He shook his head, staring at me in awe

I gave him a smirk yet felt nervousness bubbling inside of me," Guess it pays off to be one of the best pilots, doesn't it?"

He rolled his eyes and chuckled," I'll get your ship fixed up in no time."

"Thanks Hansel." I smiled at him gratefully

"Your boyfriend is waiting for you, (y/l/n)." One of my team's pilots, Samantha Walsh, smirked softly as she nodded over at Luke who was leaning against the ladder that was beside his x wing, his arms crossed as he looked over at me.

"Good luck." Wedge chuckled," For all that's worth, your plan was genius. If it wasn't for you, we probably wouldn't have won the battle."

"I hope Luke thinks of it that way." I shook my head," Go start drinking, guys. We'll join you in a bit." I smiled at them before making my way to Luke, preparing myself for his ranting.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Luke glared at me, his eyebrow raised

I shrugged," Everyone else thought that my plan was great."

"I don't care what everyone else thought, (y/n)! You could have gotten yourself killed!" He sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head,"You didn't even care to tell me about it."

"Cause I knew you'd act like this, Luke. You're acting so unbelievably, it's not that big of a deal."

"Yes it is, (y/n)! I can't lose you."

"I'm sorry." I smiled softly, walking into his arms and resting my head on his chest,"I didn't mean to worry you so much."

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me a bit to tightly," I'm sorry for being so angry. I don't know what would happen if I lost you."

"It's okay but, can you not hold me this tight? I think I have really bad injuries. Everything hurts." I admitted, wincing at the pain

"How about no drinks for us today, yeah? I have to take you to the infirmary." He picked me up in his arms and began carrying me off to the sick bay

"You know I can walk right? My legs weren't that injured." I gave him an amused smile

He chuckled and kissed my forehead," I know but, I like keeping my girl safe."

"You hopeless romantic." I teased but smiled softly, kissing him back when he pressed his lips against mine

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