{Safe} - Ezra Bridger

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Word count : 1202 words

I smiled softly as I sat outside of The Ghost, on top of a large crate, watching Ezra as he practiced with his light saber. Sabine and Zeb were shooting at him with their guns and he deflected every shot. I was so proud of how more experienced he was getting.

Ezra looked over at me and grinned," How am I, (Y/N)?"

I giggled," You're getting better and better, Ezra."

He smiled widely and deflected another shot as he continued his practice. I smiled fondly as I watched him for a while longer before he finished.

I hummed happily as he came to me and gave me a sweet kiss, smiling into it.

"You did great, love." I smiled at him, wrapping my arms around his neck

Ezra smiled at me and stood between my legs, putting his hands on my thighs," Thanks, babe."

I smiled and ran my fingers through his short hair," I'm glad you came outside to practice today. I don't know what kind of practice you achieve inside of your room."

Ezra's eyes dimmed a bit and his smile was bitter," With all the practicing I do, you should be happy with how powerful I've become."

I frowned softly," I'm not saying I'm not happy, Ezra. I'm just worried for you, darling, that's all."

"There's no need to be worried when I can be strong and powerful to protect you and the others." Ezra reassured me, leaning down to kiss me

I kissed him back," I know." I smiled at him and he chuckled, pressing our foreheads together

"I have another mission today." He told me and I looked over his face worriedly

"Really? I thought we would be together today."

That wasn't the reason why I was worried and I hoped he wouldn't realize it. Kanan told me about that red triangle dark holocraun that Ezra had and how my boyfriend was practically feeding off of its power. It was pure evil but Ezra believed it could be used for good

Ezra smiled fondly," We will, right when I come back, I promise. It's just really important that I go on this mission."

I smiled softly and nodded, trusting his word. I knew whatever he did was for the greater good. No one else understood that.

"I love you." Ezra told me as I watched him pack his things for the trip hours later

I smiled at him brightly, blushing," I love you too, Ez."

He chuckled and went towards me, leaning down to kiss me," Promise I'll be back before you're asleep."

"I'm holding you up to that, darling." I warned, smiling up at him nonetheless

He laughed and gave me another kiss," Just.. be safe, okay?" I told him, biting my lip nervously

Ezra smiled fondly and nodded," When am I not?" I was about to answer back," Okay, never mind. Don't answer that." I giggled and shook my head at him

I sat with Kanan, meditating with him. It was soothing and above all, enlightening. Hopefully, it could give me any sort of vision to where or what was happening to Ezra.

"Your emotions are clouding your meditation, (Y/N). Just let go." Kanan instructed and I sighed, trying my hardest

Just like Kanan and Ezra, I was force sensitive. It amazed me after all the hardships that I had suffered through my life, I was training to be a Jedi. Kanan always said he had no issue with training me- I was a fast learner and I followed all directions given to me. Ezra on the other hand was pretty reckless to say the least, always doing what he wanted.

"I'm trying, Kanan. I'm just so worried for him. It's been taking them too long to get back." I said nervously

"Your emotions won't help you unveil the truth, (Y/N). Just calm down." Kanan told me and I nodded, closing my eyes and exhaling slowly

Moments later, I frowned as I saw a blurry vision," I see ships at that station they were going to... the station's falling down.. I-I don't see what's next!" I cried out anxiously

"You've seen enough, (Y/N). We have to leave now if we're going to save them." I agreed and stood up, helping my blind master up

We went to Hera to tell her what I had seen and she suggested that we go right away to avoid wasting any more time.

"I don't see Ezra at all!" I said worriedly, looking through the debris and the falling station

"Use the force to let it guide you to Ezra, (Y/N)." Kanan told me and I listened to him, raising my hand to manipulate the force to tell me where Ezra was

"I know where he is. Just move closer to where you see that platform." I pointed to the platform where I supposed the ships were

I bit my lip nervously, looking as hard as I could for my boyfriend and widening my eyes when I found him hanging on tightly to a pole," K-Kanan! He's right there!"

"I'll go up to get him, (Y/N). Hera, keep The Ghost as close to the station as possible." Kanan instructed as he got up and went to go get Ezra

He's going to be fine. Kanan's getting him and we'll be out of here soon. I'll have my Ezra back.

I closed my eyes and paced around anxiously, waiting for Kanan and Ezra to come inside here.

"(Y/N), you pacing around is making this situation a lot more stressful for all of us." Hera stated

I bit my lip and stopped," I'm sorry. I'll just go to Kanan and hope he has Ezra." I smiled apologetically

I went down to the stronghold and widened my eyes when I saw Kanan coming down with Ezra," Ezra's here! We have him!" I shouted, surprised at this

Ezra turned to me and smiled widely," (Y/N)!" I could tell that he was surprised to see me but relieved as well

I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly," I was so worried about you. You had been here for so long."

"I made a pretty smart decision which at the moment seems pretty stupid because I just made that station fall out of the sky." Ezra laughed as he hugged me back

"I'm just glad you're okay and safe with us now." I sighed happily, burying my face in the crook of his neck

"Told you I'd be back in time to be with you." Ezra laughed

I hit the back of his head which he winced at," You could have died if it wasn't for us coming to get you. Shut up."

"If it wasn't for (Y/N), there would be no rescue mission." Kanan put in

Ezra smiled over at me," I guess you're my savior today."

"Today? What about all the other times?" I smirked

He groaned," Stop."

I laughed as I helped him to his room and into his bed," You're safe now." I smiled at him, kissing his cheek

Hey hey lovelies 💖 if you want, you could put requests or suggestions for imagines or preferences

All the love 💗

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