Prologue - Part 2: Y/N Sanchez

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    Morty and Rick looked around in shock. "O-oh boy." Morty said. Before them stood rows and rows of vats, all filled with a similar looking girl. They all lay in green green colored liquid with tubes coming out of them and identical clothing. "What the hell is this?" Rick asked. "S-sshe's trapped in a cage! How can she do anything?" The Council Rick raised up a hand. "It is more important she remains safe. The tubes are designed to keep up body vitals at a constant rate so she will not age and also to create a simulation of some of her favorite memories. Council Rick removed a small panel next to a plate labeled A-26. "See here. This dimension's Y/N is... Flipping off some galactic peace leader as her Rick and her drive off on a space motorcycle." Council Rick quickly replaced the panel, covering up the image and cleared his throat. "Moving on."

    Morty turned to Rick as they began to follow the Council Rick and his guards down the hall. "Did you ever to that with grandma?" He asked. Rick took a swig from his canister. "Honestly Morty you can't ex-pppppect me to remember everything that happened between us. Plus that's a different dimension Morty! We don't all share the same activities!" Rick fell silent for a moment, walking ahead of Morty. "We flipped off a galactic king..." He added quietly. Before Morty could say anything more, the Council Rick began speaking. "C-34...C-35...C-36... Ah! C-137!" Council Rick stopped in front of their dimension and eyes fell on the girl.

    She was almost identical to the other Y/Ns except for a streak of white in her h/c hair. It floated around her, occasionally brushing across her face. Morty looked in awe at the sight of his grandmother, someone he had never seen before. He then turned his head to Rick who was staring, unmoving, at the sight of her. "W-what's she thinking about?" He asked the Council Rick. The Rick smiled and gestured to the plate. Morty watched as Rick stepped forward and removed the plate. The sound of hardcore rock came from the small speakers at the side and Morty peeked over to see a familiar picture. "Hey! I saw a picture of that at birdman's house! E-except I never saw her." Morty pointed to the far right of the frame were Y/N stood, playing the electric keyboard. Her hair was wild and punk rock makeup covered her face. Morty watched as Rick, Birdman, Squanchy, and Y/N finished the song and the unseen crowd cheered. Then, Y/N ran up to Rick and they joined hands and held them high up in the air. Rick grinned as Y/N stuck out her tongue and did a rock symbol with her other hand.

    Before Morty could see anymore, Rick quickly closed the panel and the five of them were left in silence. The Council Rick gave a sort of smug look. "Oh course, if you were to be part of the Rick alliance you could see her whenever you like. Just like D-55 Rick over there." Council Rick pointed down the hall where a Rick was on his knees and slamming his head into the glass. "God Dammit Y/N! Just acknowledge me again." The Rick burst into tears and his Morty patted his back awkwardly. Morty looked back up at his Rick who was staring at the scene in discuss. "Beeeeecome like that sorry piece of sh*t filled with a life of mental scarring? No thanks." Rick turned to leave and Morty ran after him. "R-Rick! Don't you want to see her again?" Rick took a swig from his canister. "What's the point of seeing someone in a glass cage? I-It's unethical Morty. Now come one were leaving." Rick pulled out his dimensional teleporter and pressed a few buttons.

    "Hey!" One of the Rick guards ran up to him. "No teleportation devices allowed in the Y/N room!" Rick held up his hands. "Alright Alright. Geez." He glared at his other self and stepped out of the room. "Come on Morty. Let's get out of this hell hole." Then, taking Morty by the arm, dragged him through the the portal. As they landed on the other side, Morty stomped down his foot. "W-what the hell Rick! We can't just leave Y/N there! It's w-w-wrong!" Rick rolled his eyes. "Look where we are dumb*ss. Seriously. Would it kill you people to look around before you assume what's happening?"

    Morty looked around as he saw them back in the Y/N room, just down the hall from the C-137 vat. Morty grinned as Rick began to walk quickly down the hall towards her. "Just before they told me to put the dimensional teleporter away, I quickly locked on and programmed this place. Not going to lie but if we're doing this, there's no doubt more than half of these on fake copies of other Ricks doing the same thing." Rick said as he walked over to the C-137 vat and pulled out the panel. Quickly he pressed a few button on the side and a green light went on, draining the green liquid from the vat. Morty stared in awe as the last of the green disappeared and the door opened with a hiss. Rick quickly opened his arms as Y/N's body fell into his arms and he was knocked to the floor.

    Morty looked around for any guards but the halls were empty except for D-55 staring at them in shock. Rick turned his head towards them. "D0ooooo0oon't look so shocked. Just grow a pair." He said. Grunting, he propped himself up on his eyebrows just as Y/N was beginning to wake up. "Owwww.... Now THIS is a hangover." She said, rubbing her temples. Sitting up, she felt the body beneath her and opened her eyes. "R-Rick!? What happened to you?" Her eyes wandered around the room and she rolled off Rick's chest and to the floor. "Where the hell are we?" Rick stood up and took off his lab coat, wrapping it around her shoulders. "Council of Rick's. I told you they were a bunch of sh*theads." Y/N shrugged and slowly stood up. Her eyes fell on Morty. "Uh... And who are you?" She asked. The leaned back towards Rick and spoke quietly. "Why does he kinda remind me of Jerry?" She said. Rick cringed. "Because Beth had a son with that idiot as well."

    Y/N gasped. "They're still together?" Rick nodded. "Satanic work if you ask me." He said, opening his canister and taking a swig. "By the way spit on this." He said, grabbing a pill from inside his pocket. Y/N spit on it without so much of a thought and turned to Morty. "So I have a grandson and daughter." Then she stuck out a hand. "Nice to meet you...?" Morty grinned. "M-Morty. My name's Morty." Y/N smiled back. "Well I'm Y/N. Y/N Sanchez. But you can call me Grandma Y/N." Behind her, Rick quickly tossed the pill in the vat and closed the door. Pressing a few buttons, the green goo once again filled the space. "A skin shell of you will grow in two minutes." He said to Y/N. "That way they won't be able to tell unless they open up the vat which I doubt will happen." Y/N nodded. "Alright. Sounds good...."

    Y/N paused then looked at Rick. "But why was I in here? Last I remember I was with you, Beth, and Summer. Then some portal opened and..." Y/N trailed off, confused then looked at Rick. "And if Beth had another kid that's already this old and you've aged... Where have I been the last few years?" Rick put one hand on her shoulder and pressed the teleporter with the other. "L-lllleets get you cleaned up and I'll explain everything back at home." Y/N locked eyes with him a moment before sighing and nodding. "Alright. Let's go home."

A/N: Next chapter will be in your POV! Yaya! Hope you all liked this chapter though. Finals are coming up though so I'm not sure how often I will be posting. Most likely it will still be a chapter a week though. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving (if you celebrate). I know I did. It finally snowed!!!! YEESSS!!! JACK FROST LIVES!!!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon

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