Episode 2: Part 4 - Family is Strong When They Get Along

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Your P.O.V

You and Rick screamed as you turned the wheel of the hover car violently.  "Where did you learn to drive!?!"  Rick yelled.  He was fumbling with wiring of the portal device.  "Hey!"  You snapped, unable to make eye contact with him.  You were to busy trying not to crash the car into one of the many buildings.  On top of that, it seemed the entire planet knew you and Rick had come as tourists.  There were lasers, harpoons, and even cannon balls being shot in your direction.  "It's a lot harder than it looks!"  You yelled.  Quickly, you jerked the wheel over to the right.  "Hold on!"  You yelled.  The hover car flipped upside down, just barely avoiding a laser.

"Whoa!  Whoa!  Watch it!  This is delicate work here!"  Rick yelled.  "Well hurry up!"  You yelled back.  "I don't think I can do this much long-" You were cut off as a harpoon impaled your vehicle, inches away from Rick's foot.  The both of you screamed again as the car, now smoking, began to fall.  "Where are the safety features!"  You yelled, pressing all the buttons you could find on the control panel.  The car headed for a building.  "Quick!"  Rick yelled, grabbing hold of the wheel.  "Help me and pull up!"  You nodded and grabbed the wheel, pulling up with all your strength.  The car slowly began to rise.  "We have to aim for the space between the sign on the roof!"  Rick yelled.  "This is going to be cloooooossssseee!"  Rick yelled as the sign grew closer.

The car just barely made it over the roof, scraping the metal and causing a shower of sparks.  The car then bounded once on the roof and got stuck in the sign.  You and Rick were silent for a moment.  You slowly looked at him and he looked at you.  "Well.... that was.... something."  You mumbled.  Rick quickly checked the portal device.  "Alright.  The dimension jumper hasn't been broken so that's good.  Now we just have to wait 5 minutes for it to charge."  Rick said, closing the panel and hiding the wires.  "I don't think we have 5 minutes."  You looked out the smoke stained window of the car and down to the ground below where four of the alien assassins were pointing at the wreckage.

"Well maybe we can distract them for long enough."  Rick said, opening the car door and hopping out.  You followed him.  The car tilted precariously, almost over the edge as you hopped out.  "Hey wait."  You said, stopping Rick.  You put a hand on his shoulder.  "I got an idea."  Rick raised an eyebrow.  "And what might that beee?"  He asked, burping.  You pointed to the car and down to the assassins below making a squish sound.  Rick grinned.  "I'll go down and distract them you push the car when I yell got it?"  Rick nodded. 

You quickly slid down the ladder on the side of the building to the ground below.  "Hey fellas!"  You called out to the alien assassins, waving your arms.  "You there!  Halt!"  The first alien cried out.  The four aimed their weapons at you.  "Where is the other one?  Your companion?"  You looked suprised.  "What?  Companion?  I'm alone!"  You placed your hand on your cheek and shook your head dramatically.  "A poor, lost little human."  Up above Rick shook his head and sighed.  "Why do I date an actor?"  He mumbled.

The aliens looked confused.  "But there was another one of you wasn't there?"  The first alien stepped forward.  You glanced up and saw the other three were in position under the car.  "Now!"  You yelled, jumping behind what you could only assume was a garbage can.  The aliens looked around in confusion.  "Awwww yea!  It's Ricky time!"  Rick yelled, giving the car a shove.  The aliens looked in horror as the vehicle came crashing down on them.  It erupted into a finery explosion, crushing the three aliens in a bloody splatter and knocking the last one hard into a wall where his blood smeared the metal walls.

You grinned triumphantly as you stood before the scene of bloody murder.  "This is probably why in alien movies, the aliens hate us."  You mumbled to yourself, frowning slightly.  However you smile returned as you heard Rick slide down he ladder and run over to you.  Rick picked you up by the waist and swung you in a circle before setting your back down and kissing you.  "Y/N.  That was genius!"  Rick stopped for a moment and thought.  "Well maybe not genius since that's kinda my thing but it was definitely smart I'll give you that."  You grinned.  "Works for me."  You said.  The sound of other aliens approaching intruded the moment you two were sharing.  "Time to go?"  You asked Rick.  He reached into his jacket and pulled out the portal device.  Pressing a button, the welcoming green portal appeared and you and Rick stepped into it just as the aliens turned the corner.  The last thing you heard before the portal closed was a alien mumble.  "Where did they go?"

A/N:  Alright!  That's the end of the flashback!  Next chapter will hopefully establish your relationship with Beth and Jerry.  Next chapter will also establish your sleeping quarters which I kinda forgot about until right now.  Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!  I look forward to writing more!
~ ApocalypseRaccoon (*lalalaLALALALALLAA*)

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