Episode 3: Part 1 - The Break Up

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Your P.O.V

"Rick!!!"  You yelled, walking into the living room, his lab coat dropped over your arm.  "You coat's clean!"  You walked into the living room and dumped his coat on the back of the sofa.  There was a scuff along and the sound of someone running into a wall in the other room before Rick emerged through the doorway.  Rick stumbled over to the coat and grabbed it, rubbing his face over it.  "Oh my beautiful baby!"  You rolled your eyes.  "So is your coat my competition?"  You asked, playfully.  Rick pulled on his coat over his arms.  "That is a secret I'll bring to my grave."  Rick said.  You narrowed your eyes and Rick laughed nervously.  "I-i mean I love you honey!"

You said nothing but the expression on your face told Rick you had forgiven him.  "Where's Beth?  I need to catch up with her."  You said, changing the subject.  Rick pointed to the sliding door.  "Outside with Jerry.  Giving him 'a talk'."  Rick chuckled as he made the quotation signs with his fingers.  "Hopefully she's finally getting that divorce am I right!?!"  Rick laughed, clutching him stomach.  "Riiiiiccckkk.  We need to respect Beth's decisions."  You said sternly."  Opening the door, you mumbled.  "Even if that means tolerating an undereducated idiot."  Rick raised up his canteen.  "I'll drink to that."  Anything he might of said after was cut off as you closed the door.

As you walked around the back, you began to hear voices.  Stopping, you slowly peeked around the corner.  Beth and Jerry were talking in rather loud voices to one another.  "Beth we can't keep every parent that mysteriously appears out of nowhere in our house!  We should just encourage her to leave!  You know, take her to go buy a condo or an apartment or something!"  Jerry explained, waving his arms.  Beth crossed her arms and looked directly into her husband's eyes.  "Jerry that is out of the question.  Y/N is my mom.  She can't help that she was kidnapped...ish."  Jerry rolled his eyes.  "Oh please.  Don't tell me you believe this crap.  Y/N probably just made up some elaborate lie to get back into your life." 

Beth fought back the tears in her eyes.  "That's not true!"  Jerry raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.  "Your telling me that you belive Y/N was kidnapped by a society of Ricks, people with NO other regard to human life except their own to 'protect' her?"  Jerry laughed.  "Not likely."  Beth sighed.  "Maybe your right... but she is my mother Jerry.  Can't she just use the guest room for a few days?"  Jerry made a face.  "I thought your dad lived in the guest room?"  Beth shook her head.  "No.  You made Rick live in the walk in closet."  Before the two could say anything else, you left and walked back.

You stormed into the living room where Rick was not sitting on the couch.  His legs were propped up one the table and he took a dig swig of his canteen.  "Ok we need to not respect Beth's decisions... we need to break them up."  Rick sat up.  "WHoa Whhaa-t?  What made you change your mind?"  You glared at the sliding door you had just come from.  "Jerry's trying to convince Beth that I wasn't kidnapped."  Rick shrugged.  "Technically you were kept 'safe' but you know...". Rick stopped as you glared at him.  "Are you trying to tell me that locking me up for a good decade and a half wasn't kidnapping?"  You leaned forward into his face, feeling the alcohol in his breath.  "I am going to break them up no matter what.  And your going to help me."

Hey precious pineapples!
Sorry this was published so late.  I was finishing it up during the Super Bowl.  Not that I really liked the game, only the commercials and the half time show.  Any of you seen the puppy bowl?  I really want to be there! <3 <3. Anyway, hope you all liked this chapter!  Can't wait to write more!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (Lady Gaga Super Bowl Poker Face - 10/10)

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