Episode 8: Part 1 - The Long, Dramatic Episode

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Your P.O.V

It had been a day since you had returned from the spa and you were still furious.  You stared at Rick's portal gun, which you held in your hands.  Suddenly, there was a soft knock on the door and Morty stuck his head in.  Behind him stood  a very nervous Summer and Beth.  "Uh... Grandma Y/N?"  You turned your head slowly, the shadows coasted on your face looking like something from a horror movie.  "Yes sweetie?"  You asked.  Your voice was dangerously calm.  Morty was pushed into the door by his mother and he played with his hands nervously.    "Wh-when are you going to let Grandpa Rick come back home?  We're all kind of worried.  D-...did something happen?"  Morty's voice got quiet as your shadow fell over him, your eyes wide and glaring.

"Let's have him tell you when he gets back ok?"  You replied.  Morty looked at the floor.  "S-so when is he going to come back?"  He asked.  You narrowed your eyes.  "As soon as he runs out of oxygen which, by my clock...". You glanced at a timer in your pocket.  "Is in 6 hours."  "Moommm...". Beth said slowly, stepping into the room.  "I'm sure your reasoning is good.  I mean knowing my father but," She cringed and took a deep breath.  "I really think you should just bring him back now."  You walked up to your daughter, placing your hand on her shoulders.  "Beth, honey pie, mama knows what she's doing.  This is just how I need to handle the situation right now."  You could see by her frown she was not convinced.  Sighing, you glanced at your worried family.  "Fine."  You muttered angrily.  "I'll go get that piece of sh*t."

Not waiting for a replay, you opened the portal, stepping through the green light and back into the ship, still bathed in orange.  You glared at Rick who quickly sat up, looking painfully sober since you had taken all the booze off him before leaving him in the ship.  "How many days has it been?" He croaked.  You rolled your eyes.  "It's only been 10 hours.  Far less time then you deserve."  Rick ignored you and asked, "Did you bring any booze?"  You narrowed your eyes and he shrunk back along he wall.  "Listen here you piece of scum,". You growled, jabbed your finger into his scrawny chest.  "I don't know what you normally did during all those years where I was stuck in that stupid tube thingy of whatever,". "Cryochamber."  Rick corrected.  "Shut up!  Cryochamber, tube thingy; it doesn't matter what I call it. The point is whatever sort of sex life you had while I was away was already a sh*ty move but when I'm in the SAME HOTEL ROOM!?!  I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE SMART YOU F*CKTARD!"  You slapped him in the face then leaned in closely.  "And because you were caught, you are going to spend the rest of your LIFE making it up to me."  Rick stared at you, terrified.

You let go of him and straightened back up, still glaring down at him.  "Your lucky the rest of the family doesn't know yet or else they would NEVER beg me to bring you back."  Rick looked questioningly at you.  "You haven't told them?"  You shook your head.  "No. But you're going to."

~ TIME SKIP ~ (cause I couldn't think of any other way.  Basically you just dragged Rick back home and gathered the whole family in the living room for his announcement.)

"You cheated on my mother!?!"  Beth yelled.  Jerry began to laugh but was quickly silenced by his glaring wife.  Beth crossed her arms and looked at her father.  "How could you do that?"  Behind her, Summer and Morty looked on concerned.  Morty glanced over at you who was calmly pouring out a glass of wine.  After pouring, you grabbed the bottle and began to drain the rest of its contents.

"In my defense they came on to me!"  You lowered the bottle a moment to laugh.  "Yea.  You reeeaallllyy looked like you were struggling there."  "Well for your information in Xlirone culture it is customary for any Lord or Lady to be greeted as such."  "Then why were you pretending to be a Lord!  The Lord you were wasn't even straight!"  "Well I d-din't know thhhhaaaattt!  Besides it got you the nicest room didn't it?"  "B*TCH YOU CHEATED ON ME!!!"  You tried to kick him in the groin but his belt quickly responded, grabbing your leg.  "Groin attack detected."  It stated.  "No!  He cheated on me!"  The robot let go of your leg.  "Not cool bro."  It said to Rick before retracting back into his belt.  "Ooh-hhhhh come on!"  Rick said, throwing his arms up in exasperation.  You quickly took your chance and kicked him, hard. 

Rick cried out and fell to the floor, curled up in the fetal position.  "SON OF A B*TCH Y/N!  WHAT THE HELL!?!"  Jerry clutched his stomach, cackling.  Beth quickly punched him in the arm.  "Hahaha-owwww!"  Jerry rubbed his sore limb while glancing at his wife who had already turned her attention back to her parents.  You grabbed the pills from you pocket and threw them at his face.  "And I suppose I don't really need to take these either!"  Rick glared at you from the floor.  "Y-yeeeesss you do!  Unless you want to die younger then you already are!"  You glared at him.  "What the hell is that supposed to mean!?!"  "It means you're dying!"  The whole room fell silent as everyone stood frozen in either shock or fear.  Even Jerry was no longer smiling.

You felt your stomach drop in fear but refused to break you're composure.  Without emitting any emotion in fear it would show how scared you really were, you simply said.  "I want a divorce."  Rick scoffed.  "Well according to the state you died a long time ago and our marriage died with it!"  His comment resurfaced your anger and you growled at him.  "Well as of today you're dead to me so I guess we're even now aren't we?"  With that, you flipped your hair and stomped out of the room, hearing the quiet sobs of Beth and nothing else.

Y/N: Jesus... really sorry for the depressing episode but I hope you're excited or at least curious about what's in store for the weeks to come.  As the title states, this is going to be a long episode.  There's a lot of important plot points that will come up.  But I'm going to try and finish this before Christmas as I do have a Christmas episode planned out.  Also, in a few weeks I'll have to take some time off as finals are coming up.  Anyways, hope you enjoyed and see you all soon!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (I hope I'm handling Rick's punishment for cheating good enough in your eyes)




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"She's basically me but without the red and white hair color.  She's the past bass player (before rick) for "the flesh curtains" but she had to leave the band for personal reasons. After some months, she decides to go back and catch up with bird person and squanchy at the bar they do gigs at, she's surprised when she sees that rick (whom she hasn't met at all) has replaced her in their band poster.

"Hmm... so pers and squanch finally grew some huge ass balls to replace me..." she said, holding the poster she snacked form the wall.

"There's n-*burp* there's no replacing you, baby.""


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All you guy's art looks awesome!  I love looking at every one of them!  Once again, if you guys have any fanart of our OC or just random Rick and Morty Art you want to share just send it to me at Apocalypseraccoon@gmail.com!!!

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