Episode 3: Part 6 - The Break up

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WARNING: There is like... a really small amount of smut.  I tried anyway.  It at least allows you to finish it with your own thoughts.

Your P.O.V

"I can't believe you Jerry!"  Beth yelled as she stumbled through the front door.  She took another swig from the wine bottle, some of the red liquor spilling onto her barf covered dress.  You and Jerry walked in behind her.  "Hey hey hey!!!"  Rick yelled, sticking his head out the kitchen doorway. "Oh... what happened to you?"  He said pointing at Jerry. "Y-you look like a Glorp had sex with a Brograd and they disowned you."  Jerry was only able to mumble weakly before falling to the floor.  Beth held her wine and hands to her face, sobbing.  Rick walked up to you.  "S-so did it go well?  I can't really tell."  You check to make sure neither Jerry nor Bet we're listener going as you leaned it.  "It went great!  I'm mean I'm a little concerned how much Jerry regurgitated and the ride home was awful but I think other than that it went well!". You leaned in and kissed Rick on the cheek.  "Thanks handsome."  Rick gave a sort of drunken chuckle.  "Heh.  That's my job!"

Beth stopped sobbing for a moment and turned to Jerry.  "How could you?  This was such an important night for me... for us!"  She gestured at everyone just as Morty and Summer walked in the room.  "Oh my god.  What happened?!?"  Summer said.  Morty glared at you and Rick but said nothing.  You felt a twinge of sorrow.  You didn't want Morty and Beth to be sad, they were your family.  But at the same time... Jerry.  "It's ok honey.  Really.  We can try again on a different date."  You said, trying to comfort your daughter.  "Yea on a different continent!  There's no way they'll let us back in that place!"  Beth was about to drink some more before you took the bottle away from her gently.  "I think that's enough for now sweetheart."  You said.  As you headed to the kitchen to put the bottle away, Jerry mumbled.

"B-". Jerry choked and coughed up some stomach fluid onto the carpet.  "Beth...."  Summer cringed.  "Ok.  If you guys don't mind, I'm gonna go someplace where the room does not smell like barf."  Summer left the room with her hand over her nose. "B-Beth."  Jerry said again, this time a little clearer.  Your daughter turned her husband. "W-what?"  Tears were laced around the corners of her eyes. Jerry grunted and slowly stood up, body hunched and trembling.  You set down the wine bottle on the table next to the sofa, unable to stop watching what was occurring.  "Beth I know you're mad at me.  I'm mad at myself.  I don't know what's with me but as soon as I thought about your parents living with us I got so scared I guess I just.... let loose."  Jerry placed his hands on her shoulders.  "I guess I was scared on how your mom would judge me.  God knows Rick already hates me as it is."  Rick grunted in agreement.  "W-wow Jerry's right.  Guess there really is a first time for everything."  Jerry turned his head slightly and glared at him.

Turning back to Beth, Jerry continued with his speech. "But I love you.  I love us...and I know your mad at me but if you love me back... please find it in yourself to forgive me."  You stared open mouthed at the speech Jerry just gave.  "No.... way...". You mumbled softly.  "I'm pretty sure it's gonna happen."  Rick said, pulling out his canteen and taking some rather large gulps.  Beth stared wide eyed and still for a moment.  The whole room was silent.  Then, a small smile appeared on her face.  "Oh Jerry... of corse I forgive you.  I love you."  "I love you too sweetie."  Jerry replied, brining his face to her's.  "Yep... it happened."  Rick said.  You quickly snatched the canteen out of his hand and took a sip.  "I don't... get it."  You said, brows furrowed in confusion.  Rick placed his hand on your shoulder as he took away the canteen with his other.    Pulling you with his hand, Rick turned you around so you faced him.  You placed your arms around his neck and your forehead on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"What even is love?"  You mumbled.  "A mix of chemicals in the brain that attract a person to a viable mate."  You sighed.  "Well I know that but why does it only work with certain people?"  Rick shrugged.  "O-one of life's great mysteries I suppose.  There doesn't seem to be a logical scientific answer for that."  You smiled and took your head off his chest, making eye contact.  "Well, science or not, I'm glared you and me got together."  Rick leaned his head down to touch yours.  "Me too sweetie."  He said quietly, so no other ear could hear.  Those words were for you and you only and you were filled with joy.  As the two of your stood together, heads touching, Rick whispered.  "We're still going to try and break them up right?"  "Definitely."  You whispered back.

"God I love you babe."  Rick said, pulling your body closer to his.  You both could smell the alcohol or your partner's breath.  "Love you too sweet-cheeks."  You said, calling him by your old nickname.  The two of you quickly smashed your lips together as you pulled at him hair.  Rick grabbed your leg and drew it up next to his waist.  His hand slid up your thigh and you let out a moan. "Uh... Grandpa Rick?" Morty said, staring at the two of you.  Even Beth and Jerry stopped making out and were staring.  You giggled as Rick picked you up and leaned over so that he was lying on top of you on the floor.  "Everybody out of the hallway!"  Rick yelled, waving his arm.  "If a-a-anyone needs to go upstairs tonight I suggest you do it now becaaaause I-I'm gonna do her right here!" Rick pointed up the stairs.  Almost imminently, the rest of the family in the room quickly headed for the escape route.

"I'm... going to go wash off..." Beth mumbled, trying to find something to focus on besides the visual of her parents doing it.  "Same here."  Jerry mumbled. Morty grabbed his head, shielding his eyes from the two of you.  "Ohhhhhh.  I'm going to try and wash out my mind." He moaned.  You giggled.  As the three headed up the stairs to escape witnessing the event that was about to ensue, Rick leaned his face closer to your own.  "It's been a while hasn't it?"  He asked.  You raised an eyebrow.  "Well not for me it hasn't.  One of the perks of getting frozen in a tube."  Rick shrugged.  "Fair point."  You gave him a sly grin.  "Hope your ready for this."  Before he could reply, you wrapped your legs around his waist, forcing him down onto you.  The two of your locked lips and the fun began.

A/N: AHHHHHHH.  Ok maybe that doesn't qualify as smut but in my eyes it is. Like you can definitely imagine what the night is going to be like.  Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Next week will be a new episode since this one's finally over.  If you have any suggestions for what the next episode should be feel free to tell me in the comments!!!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (I started watching Hannibal... my god I love him)

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